JD Vance referred to mass shootings as a “fact of life.”
A few weeks ago, in response to another horrific school shooting, JD Vance referred to these tragedies as a “fact of life.”
But JD Vance couldn’t be more wrong. It doesn’t have to be this way, and we do not have to resign ourselves to a world in which our children are in danger of being shot inside their classrooms.
Every single other country has managed to deal with gun violence by passing common-sense reforms. The plague of gun violence in our country is a policy choice. And we have the capacity to fix it if we choose to.
Thanks to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, we passed the first major gun safety law in over 30 years when we had the majority last Congress. But we know we can’t stop there — not when more children are being gunned down in their schools.
We need new gun safety laws — red flag laws, universal background checks, and a ban on assault weapons like those used over and over again in school shootings. And just as important, we need leaders who are actually willing to make these laws a reality.
If you agree, will you add your name to our petition calling for urgent action on gun reform today?
Thank you,
Team Jayapal