Folks, last night, I stepped off the debate stage at Norfolk State University, and I am *fired up* about this election. It’s crystal clear to me after this debate that my opponent is the wrong choice for Virginia.
My top priority is building an economy that will help Virginians thrive. We’re creating jobs, we’re lowering costs, and we’re making sure tax cuts are going to the middle class, not major corporations and the wealthiest 1%.
We’re fighting for the essential human rights that every American deserves — from reproductive freedom to voting rights to the right to get necessary medical care without going broke.
And we’re doing all of that together — not pushing people apart or tearing them down.
I hope I made you proud last night, and if I did, I’m asking for your support so I can win this election and deliver Virginia for Democrats. Will you split 10 bucks between me and Mark Warner to help us win?
Chip in right now >>
Thanks so much.
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