What if you couldn’t keep your nationality, or couldn’t
provide nationality to your family members? If everyone is able to
pass on their nationality and all its benefits to their children and
spouse, families, communities, and economies will be stronger and more
equal. That’s the future we’re fighting
We aren’t there yet.
A quarter of the world’s governments deny women equal nationality
rights, preventing women from passing on, acquiring, changing, or
keeping their nationality on an equal basis with men.
Discrimination in nationality laws reinforces stereotypical roles
for both women and men, including the idea that a woman, once married
or divorced, loses her independent identity.
It’s time to end discriminatory laws.
In Togo, the nationality code does not allow a Togolese woman to
transfer her nationality to her foreign spouse on an equal basis with
Togolese men. It also removes Togolese nationality from a naturalized
Togolese woman if she divorces from her Togolese husband.
Enough is enough. Join us to call on Prime Minister Komi Sélom Klassou
to make equality reality. Take action today.
In Solidarity
Bryna Subherwal
Advocacy Campaign