Patriot, Did you read my email on Tuesday? I wonder if vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance did, because he brought up the exact same issue in the debate that night. When asked about the state of democracy in America, Vance said, “I believe that we actually do have a threat to democracy in this country, but unfortunately, it's not the threat to democracy that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz want to talk about. It is the threat of censorship.” And he’s exactly
right. Big Tech with the aid of Big Government statists are doing all they can to silence you and me. They want to set the ground rules for what is valid
information and what isn’t . . . what opinion you can voice and what you can’t . . . whether you can put a meme on Facebook or not because
some other “expert” has deemed it false . . . whether you can take an alternative medicine instead of the one pushed by the
government. Patriot, the destruction of the First Amendment is at hand. And the Big Government statists like Kamala Harris, John Kerry, Chuck
Schumer, and others want to eliminate that pesky right to free speech. You and I need to take them on and ensure the cornerstone of our liberty is not even
watered down. Please read my email below and then make your most generous donation
today. In liberty, Ron Paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]() Patriot, The First Amendment is the bedrock of liberty in America. Without freedom of speech, no other liberty would survive. That’s why there’s nothing more dangerous than when politicians in Washington, and the mass media itself, conspire to undermine this most sacred American freedom. With the November election now upon us – some states are already voting – the calls for censorship are ramping up and being “mainstreamed.” You and I need to push back with everything we have. Last week, former U.S. Senator, presidential candidate, and “Climate Czar” John Kerry called the First Amendment a “major block” to governing, and that it obstructs their agenda. Kerry, who until recently was the Biden-Harris “climate envoy,” was whining about the Constitution at a panel hosted by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF is a forum for globalists to conspire to impose a one-world government under which the U.S. Constitution would have to be subordinated. Naturally, they are hostile to free speech and other constitutional protections. You see, John Kerry and his statist friends want to shut down any speech that contradicts their globalist schemes and gets in their way. Even with First Amendment protections, we see brute-force censorship happening all the time – especially to manipulate elections. In 2020, the media and giant tech platforms like Google and Facebook, suppressed the true story of the Hunter Biden laptop, which in addition to exposing Hunter Biden’s sordid personal life, contained evidence of the Biden family’s influence-peddling operations. This would have made Joe Biden look bad, so the media and “intelligence experts” falsely labeled the story “Russian disinformation” and deplatformed anybody who reported the truth. At the same time, they perpetrated outrageous hoaxes regarding the Covid pandemic. They ruthlessly attacked ivermectin as a treatment. They shut down the speech of anybody who questioned wearing a face mask. They mocked anyone who dared question Anthony Fauci. Even I lost my ability to post on Facebook and stream my show on YouTube for speaking the truth. But that’s not how they saw it. I was a threat, so they shut me down. These globalists want to censor the truth about the most important issues of the day, while they promote their own disinformation, whether it’s environmental hoaxes, Big Pharma propaganda, or manipulating elections. But here is the more fundamental issue about the First Amendment:
The government doesn’t get to decide what is and is not true! John Kerry is hardly alone in his contempt for freedom of speech. Just two weeks ago, Hillary Clinton – like Kerry, a former Democrat nominee for President of the United States – called for Americans to be criminally charged for speech she doesn’t like, including what she decides is “foreign propaganda.” Hillary knows a thing or two about foreign propaganda. . . Eight years ago, her own campaign spread false foreign propaganda in the form of the fake Steele Dossier on Donald Trump, cooked up by a former British MI6 officer. But don’t expect Hillary to turn herself in. That’s not how this works! It’s your speech
they want to silence. And now the election is upon us, so they’re more desperate than ever. You and I know the assault on speech is building. We can’t be caught flat-footed. That’s why I’m counting on you to make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty so we are prepared to defend the First Amendment. Hillary Clinton herself recently claimed without evidence that “something will happen in October” to “distort and pervert Kamala Harris.” Clinton wants you to believe ANY information that puts Harris in a bad light is disinformation. They are already moving to shut down the next Hunter Biden laptop story. Kerry, Clinton, Schwab, and the other globalists have an agenda to silence ordinary people who don’t toe the line. In Britain, ordinary citizens are being arrested and charged for things they say on social media, while political elites like former Prime Minister Boris Johnson can make appalling statements with impunity. Who is to say that won’t happen in our United States too? Patriot, the First Amendment is under assault like never before. That’s why it’s so essential we have the resources we need when the assault kicks into high gear. No matter how the election turns out, we will be marching off to battle for the Lame Duck session of Congress. That will be an epic battle, over six weeks or more, right at the time when the grassroots is exhausted and ready to celebrate the holidays. As we begin the last quarter of 2024, you and I need to be prepared now for what is about to be thrown at us. Ordinarily, this is what people in politics call the “silly season.” This year, it might shape up to be “psycho season.” There is a desperate fight for control of the United State government for the next four years in the White House and two years in Congress. The globalists are panicked. Their plans in Ukraine failed. The Middle East is heating up. Their leaders in Europe are being voted out. Their pandemic treaty is in trouble. Their Central Bank Digital Currency isn’t in place. You can bet they’re going to do everything possible to control the discussion between now and November 5th . . . and that means extreme censorship. When that occurs, Campaign for Liberty needs to be ready to fight – and we simply cannot do that without your support. What form the fight will take – whether it means DEMANDING Congress act to defend the First Amendment, directly addressing the censored information, or targeting an effort in a particular state – will depend on what happens in the coming weeks. Either way, we are approaching an extremely turbulent period, from the final sprint of the election season to the “Lame Duck” period when Congress goes for broke. So Patriot, can I count on you to make a contribution to help Campaign for Liberty prepare for the mad rush we are facing in the last three months of 2024? This is a battle you and I can’t afford to lose. So please make your most generous contribution of $100, $200, $500, or more right away to help Campaign for Liberty prepare to thwart the madness in the home stretch of the 2024 election season and the thrashings of the “lame duck” Congress that we know is going to be a massive battle in November and December. If you can afford just $10, $20, or $50 now, your gift along with other Campaign for Liberty supporters will help us meet our goal as we head into a very busy final quarter of 2024. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman Campaign for Liberty P.S. Free speech is under threat, even here in America, and especially in the heat of the final month of a presidential election. We know what is coming. Hillary Clinton told us so. We simply must be ready when the great censorship push comes in the next few days or weeks. And then we have a Lame Duck Congress to contend with. We will need to be prepared to fight them at every turn. Your contribution today, of $100, $200, $500, or whatever you can afford will help us plan and budget for the final fight of the legislative cycle, in which everything is on the line. Your gift of $10, $25, or $50 is important as well. Please consider making a donation today as we head into a very busy last quarter of 2024. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |