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** Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 6 May
In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news <[link removed]> and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts <[link removed]> on our website.
** Secularism in the media
* Atheists launch #FreeMubarakBala to help Nigerian activist accused of blasphemy <[link removed]>
There's been a remarkable show of support for endangered Nigerian Humanist Mubarak Bala online, with people asking where they can make donations and how they can help.
The Friendly Atheist (Patheos)
* Alliance criticises religious background question in 2021 census in NI <[link removed]>
Next year's census unnecessarily entails a "ridiculous" headcount of Protestants and Catholics, Alliance has said, as it objected to proposals set out yesterday.
News Letter
* Ofsted head answers criticism over handling of censorious Orthodox Jewish school <[link removed]>
Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman has written to the Jewish Chronicle to deny that she publicly humiliated a strictly Orthodox school.
The Jewish Chronicle
* MSP criticises Scottish hate crime bill <[link removed]>
Hate crime laws being proposed in Scotland would trigger a "full-frontal assault on free speech", a senior politician has claimed.
The Times (£)
* ‘It’s always worse than you realised’ <[link removed]>
A woman who was driven out of a Chasidic Jewish community for going against its rules reflects on the Netfix series Unorthodox.
Jewish News
* Scottish anti-abortion student group investigated, but no action taken <[link removed]>
After complaints that a pro-life event held by the Aberdeen Life Ethics Society violated a 'safe space policy', an investigation has resulted in no action being taken against the 'pro-life' group.
Catholic News Agency
* Australian 'healing church' defends bleach sales after US coronavirus cure claims <[link removed]>
Representatives of an international group that calls itself a "healing church" and promotes industrial bleach as a cure for coronavirus say they should be allowed to continue selling the potentially toxic "miracle" solution in Australia on religious freedom grounds.
The Guardian
* Report finds nonreligious people face stigma and discrimination in the US <[link removed]>
A new study has found that nonreligious people in the US face discrimination and stigma, conceal their nonreligious identities, and largely see themselves as atheists and humanists.
Religion News Service
* ‘Files suggest wartime pope was more sinner than saint’ <[link removed]>
Who knows how many Jews could have been saved had the pope made a public intervention?
Jewish News
* Former Canberra journalist who threatened to behead Christians walks free <[link removed]>
A man who threatened to behead Christians on his front lawn in retaliation for the Christchurch massacre has walked free from court with a suspended sentence.
ABC News Australia
** Latest from the NSS
* Welsh faith schools will have to offer reformed syllabus on religion <[link removed]>
Wales's faith schools will have to offer a non-denominational religion, values and ethics syllabus if parents request it under new plans.
** Blog
* The problem with opening churches too early in NI <[link removed]>
Northern Ireland's minister of agriculture has called for churches across NI to reopen following a graduated easing of lockdown restrictions. But this shouldn't be a priority.
Slugger O'Toole
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