Hey, friends!

Two quick things!

First, I'm sure you've heard about Shelley Luther, the salon owner who opened up in Dallas, was arrested and sentenced to 7 days in jail plus $7000 and no bond.  It's crazy!  We are protesting at 10am Wednesday!  Not a lot of notice, but if you can join us, please do.  It's at 600 Commerce, Dallas.  You can also click here to ask Abbott to give her a pardon. 

Second, True Texas Project participated in a live meeting today with about a dozen top leaders in the statewide conservative movement.  It was fantastic!  I get to be on a call with these people every week since COVID19 began, and it's been so great to be informed and sharing.  But today it was even better because we invited all activists around the state to join the conversation!  If you did not get to watch and listen, you can do so here.  The speakers included:

  • myself for True Texas Project
  • Michael Quinn Sullivan for Empower Texans
  • JoAnn Fleming for Grassroots America
  • Daniel Greer for Direct Action Texas
  • former State Rep Matt Rinaldi
  • Tim Lambert for Texas Home School Coalition
  • Rachel Malone for Gun Owners of America
  • Jim Graham for Texas Right To Life
  • Justin Greiss of Young Americans For Liberty

That's all for now!  See ya Monday!!!

Julie McCarty
CEO, True Texas Project

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