Dear Supporter, In 2016, America was attacked by Russian operatives interfering with our election. The entire national security community agrees with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller that the election inference in 2016 is only a preview of what’s to come. Despite their warnings, the Senate has refused to vote on a critical election security funding bill! We’re asking all of our members to call their Senators TODAY and tell them to earmark $600 million in election security funding for all 50 states. Call your senators now and tell them to protect our democracy-- and our vote-- in 2020 >> HR 3351, which the House recently passed, would allocate $600 million to every state so that they can update electronic voting equipment with systems that use verifiable paper ballots. Paper ballots are the best way to protect our voices and our votes against cyberattacks that could change the outcome of our elections. Without a paper trail, our voting system is extremely vulnerable to hacking and foul play. With so much at stake, we can’t afford another compromised election. And it’s up the Senate to take up this bill and secure our elections from outside interference. Call your senators NOW and demand that they support common sense legislation to secure our votes! Thanks for everything you do! Tori Slatton, Digital Campaign Coordinator ![]()