Hello —

GOOD NEWS: This morning, Roll Call named our opponent, Cory Gardner, the most vulnerable Republican incumbent in the entire country.

Our momentum is surging, and several recent polls show us defeating Gardner come November. In fact, national outlets are calling us the Democrats’ best chance to flip a Senate seat.

BAD NEWS: Gardner has twice as much cash-on-hand as our campaign — and we know right-wing Republican groups are funneling millions into TV ads to boost our opponent.

As the GOP ramps up their attacks, the coming weeks and months of this campaign will be critical to building the kind of movement it will take to win against Republican mega-donors. So, we’re turning to you now:

Add $10 or more to our campaign today to help us build on our momentum, fight back against these Republican attacks, and flip the Senate.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

So long as we have the resources to defend John’s character and build out our campaign, there’s nothing these right-wing groups can do to stop us.

Thanks in advance for stepping up.

— Team Hick