Dear John,
Today is #GivingTuesdayNow. We appreciate everything you do throughout the year to support the LGBTQ community. Your actions, your feedback and your dollars help us move closer to equality in all of the places we call home.
We can’t wait for Giving Tuesday in November. We need your help to make a difference in the lives of our community now. Every day we are seeing the effects of quarantine, COVID-19, and isolation in our lives. Our government is systematically attacking our most vulnerable communities under the cover of COVID-19. Will you show your support for equality with a gift to our #GivingTuesdayNow campaign?
We are dedicated to continuing our work with state groups, monitoring legislatures as they reopen, and creating opportunities to learn and engage digitally. Your help today will make sure we can keep moving that work forward.
A gift of any amount shows you stand with the LGBTQ community and you stand on the side of equality. Please make a gift today!
With appreciation,

Joellyn Weingourt
Donor & Corporate Relations Officer
Equality Federation
p.s. if you make a gift TODAY for our #GivingTuesdayNow campaign, we will send you a free limited edition Equality Federation sticker!