Dear John,
In today's world, there are two things that you aren't supposed to talk about: religion and politics. But as Christians, God has called us to not only share our faith but share how our faith affects every area of life -- including politics -- and engage with our neighbors on these topics as we work to "make disciples" that have a biblical worldview.
At Family Research Council, we know how important this election season is, especially with biblical values on the ballot. That is why we are calling on the nearly 23 million SAGE Cons in America who pray, vote, and stand for biblical truth to take action informed by their biblical convictions.
But it's not enough to just cast a ballot. We must also engage in respectful dialogue with our neighbors and ideological opponents.
We know that the key to changing the culture is changing hearts through the Gospel. Throughout history, God's people have been called to prayer and action to change a nation's course. I believe the time is now for such an awakening!
This week at FRC's annual Pray Vote Stand Summit in Washington D.C., Christians from across the country are joining together to cry out for God to rend the heavens, come down, and heal our land. (To register and join us for this significant event, please click here).
While very important, our hope is not in our nation's political process or the next administration. Not matter what, FRC is standing firm for biblical values and training likeminded Christians to do the same. Through our Center for Biblical Worldview, we are educating believers with the resources they need to engage with their neighbors and those they disagree with.
With your partnership, we can equip and mobilize even more Christians to defend the faith in our nation, one God-centered conversation at a time.
To help equip you as you engage our culture for Christ, we'll send you our new digital Conversation Starters for your gift of any size!
Ultimately, engaging in biblical worldview conversations in our communities is a discipleship issue. It's all about taking the truth of God's Word and influencing the world around us with that truth.
In a society where we are often huddled in our technology-determined echo chambers, we need to have face-to-face, civil dialogue -- with Christians and non-Christians alike -- on the important issues including: the purpose and meaning of life, the inherent dignity of the unborn, God's design for marriage, family, and human sexuality, and religious freedom.
We live in troubling times, but thankfully, as God's people, we can take comfort in an almighty God and His eternal, unchanging Word. Scripture reminds us: "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up" (Galatians 6:9 ESV).
But we cannot reap if we don't sow first! That's why it's imperative that we plant the seeds now by boldly proclaiming biblical truth to our culture, our community, and our country. You can't always know the far-reaching impact that just one conversation can have on a person's life. But the results of our ministry aren't up to us; they're up to God. Our job is to be faithful to His call.
This is not just about civic engagement. It is about biblical behavior and fulfilling the Great Commission.
That's why we're also partnering with Evangelism Explosion, who will be present at the Pray Vote Stand Summit this week, to create a new evangelism training. At FRC, we are committed to equipping believers like you to not only honor God in the political arena, but to win souls for Christ.
Will you give today to help FRC educate and equip faithful Christians to reach their neighbors with the truth? And remember, when you do, we'll send you our new set of Conversation Starters to help you defend the faith.
Now is the time for a spiritual awakening across the country. Our God has called us to be faithful and stand up for truth.
There's a saying that I believe applies to how we ought to address this season in our nation's history: "Work like everything depends on you but pray as though everything depends on God."
John, will you join me in these next months in interceding on behalf of the spiritual wellbeing of the United States and this election?
Pray that we will see a revival of biblical values in our communities and that people's eyes will be open to the truth. Pray that our nation's leaders will understand that we are all made in the image and likeness of God our Creator, and, therefore, everyone has inherent value. Pray that America, as a prodigal nation, would return to God.
Thank you for your prayers and partnership in this critical season.