Dear John,
October is starting off with a bang!
Average Joe premieres in Hollywood tonight! And both Coach Joe Kennedy and First Liberty will be there for this major motion picture event.
Coach Joe will make his entrance somewhere between 7:30 and 9:00 PM CST, and we’ll bring you his reactions along with those of the movie’s cast Live! from the red carpet.
Then on October 10th, Average Joe will make its debut at a theater near you. You won’t want to miss seeing his powerful story of faith and freedom on the big screen.
Get your tickets and reserve your seats today!
With just over a month to go, we are continuing to sound the alarm on the importance of this year’s election.
Right now, it’s estimated that some 40 million Christians do not vote.
That’s why at First Liberty, we are encouraging people of faith to fulfill their civic duty by learning more about the candidates running for office and then by voting in November.
Please watch this month’s update to learn more about what you and your house of worship can be doing right now to educate those around you about their rights during an election:

The frightening thing about this year’s election is that come January, the radical Left’s plan to restructure the Court could become our nation’s reality.
That means that when the U.S. Supreme Court begins its session on Monday, October 7th, it could be the last time the Court opens with just nine justices.
You see, if one party takes control of the House, the Senate and the White House, that party could pack the Court with simple majority votes.
This is one of the most important issues on the ballot this year. Yet no one is talking about it.
But there is a way to save the Supreme Court. Here are three critical things that you can do:
- Find out where your candidates stand on the radical issues of packing and purging the Court.
- Share what you learn about the candidates and the dangers of court packing with everyone – family, friends and followers on social media.
- Do your civic duty – Vote!
It’s time to make all candidates aware that their constituents need to know the truth about where they stand on preserving the priceless heritage of the Supreme Court.
Not only are we fighting to preserve the independence of our judiciary, but we’re also asking the Supreme Court to hear Fire Chief Ron Hittle’s case.
After more than 20 years of service, Chief Hittle was fired by the City of Stockton, California for attending a leadership conference hosted at a church.
That’s not only wrong. It’s illegal.
We won’t stand by when this type of anti-faith hostility takes place. The City of Stockton must be held accountable for its actions.
But we can’t win without your help. Just like you made the difference in Joe Kennedy’s fight to pray after high school football games, you can once again help level the playing field in Ron Hittle’s fight against religious discrimination in the workplace.
Even though we are taking this case all the way to the Supreme Court, Chief Hittle will never receive a bill for our services. That’s only possible because of generous supporters like you.
Will you stand with Ron in the fight against religious discrimination?
Together, we can fight the good fight for faith and with God’s favor, win for religious freedom in the workplace.
Yes, I will make a gift today!
Kelly Shackelford, Esq. President, CEO & Chief Counsel First Liberty Institute