Patriot, It should never happen in this country. Chicken and pigs are being
euthanized, milk is being poured out, and crops are being tilled under. All the while, American
citizens are waiting in miles-long lines at the nation’s food banks. Patriot, the food
supply chain isn’t just breaking . . . it’s already broken! How else can you
describe a system where USDA regulations force food producers to needlessly destroy their harvests to avoid government fines that would put them out
of business altogether? Americans are seeing meat supplies dry up at supermarkets.
Meanwhile drive thru restaurants are rationing the number of hamburgers you can order.
Why -- when much of the country is still under coronavirus lockdown and even where they can, few Americans are eating out at restaurants
-- can’t that food be sold directly to local butchers, processors, and American consumers? Because government bureaucrats and union bosses insist their jobs are more essential than Americans having food on our
tables. This madness has to stop.
That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your Unyoke
American Meat Production! petition to President Trump I’ve prepared for you insisting he suspend
these harmful USDA regulations so American farmers can sell to local butchers and suppliers.
Then, the president should use his bully pulpit to insist Congress pass Representative Massie’s PRIME Act, to permanently fix the supply
chain. With the government’s response to this whole coronavirus mess putting more than 30
million additional Americans on the unemployment rolls and the Fed’s endless money printing set to wipe out purchasing power, a broken food
supply system is a recipe for massive civil unrest. The fact is, once government bureaucrats get
involved -- almost always under the guise of “keeping Americans safe” -- shortage and maldistribution are bound to follow.
The dangers of the current red-tape and cronyism-infested system combined with what should only be minor hiccups
from the coronavirus panic (if not for the media and tyrannical politicians) are becoming a slow-motion train wreck playing out before our eyes.
All because USDA regulations force food producers to send their harvests almost exclusively to massive,
union-dominated processing facilities that have full-time USDA employees posted on site. The good
news is, truly free markets regulate themselves, American food producers have produced plenty, and they’ll quickly reallocate their goods to
serve hungry Americans if only they’re able. But you and I must get government and their
special interest pals out of the way. So please, sign your Unyoke
American Meat Production! petition to President Trump, insisting he immediately suspend these harmful
USDA regulations so American farmers can sell their harvests directly to local butchers, processors, and American consumers.
With the government’s response to this whole coronavirus mess, it’s never been more important we cut the
bureaucratic red tape and let food producers supply their harvests. So, please sign your Unyoke
American Meat Production! petition right away.
And if at all possible, please consider
pitching in with a generous financial contribution to support this vital effort. For Liberty,
 Ron Paul Chairman
P.S. Local farms should be able to sell to local processors so the meat coolers at your supermarket don’t sit empty.
But USDA regulations are forcing food producers to needlessly destroy their harvests to avoid government
fines. And it’s all because government bureaucrats and union bosses insist their jobs
are more essential than Americans having food on our tables. So please, sign your Unyoke
American Meat Production! petition to President Trump I’ve prepared for you insisting he suspend
these harmful USDA regulations IMMEDIATELY to fix the food supply chain.