Call 1-833-413-5906 to put pressure on your U.S. Senators today

Friend, can you spare 2 minutes to help ensure the integrity of our democracy?

The Senate is considering whether to fund sorely needed upgrades to our election infrastructure -- like paper ballots, new voting machines, and risk-limiting audits. If they don’t, it’d be an open invitation to foreign election hackers to meddle in our democracy.

We need to make sure the Senate does what’s right. Call 1-833-413-5906 to be automatically connected to your senator.

Here’s an idea of what to say: Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m calling from [TOWN]. We deserve to have total confidence that our votes count and our elections are secure. Please help make sure the Senate fully funds election security.

We’re a little over a year away from the 2020 presidential election -- and just months away from the first primary votes being cast. But our government hasn’t done nearly enough to secure our elections from foreign attack.

It’s not for lack of warning -- Russia’s far-reaching influence and hacking campaign in 2016 is common knowledge by now. Even Trump’s FBI director, Christopher Wray, says we are still being attacked. But Mitch McConnell’s Senate is showing no interest whatsoever in securing our elections against interference.

We can break through McConnell’s blockade by putting pressure on EVERY Senator to defend our elections. Call 1-833-413-5906 to get in touch with your U.S. Senators today.

No American should lose their right to vote because a machine broke or their registration got misfiled. And, we deserve to be 100% confident that it’s voters like you and me -- not hackers, foreign or domestic -- who decide our elections.

Thanks for all you do,

Susannah Goodman, Director of Election Integrity
and the team at Common Cause

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