From Drugs library newsletter <[email protected]>
Subject HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter September 20(9). New research
Date October 1, 2024 10:27 AM
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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs. To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our
website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us @HRBdrugslibrary [
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Note, we have a new Alcohol dashboard [
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] [
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] with Irish data available on the library website.

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Irish-related publications
Drug poisoning deaths in Ireland in 2021: data from the National Drug-Related Deaths Index (NDRDI).
Kelleher, Cathy and Riordan, Fiona and Lyons, Suzi (2024) Dublin: Health Research Board.

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HHC and your mental health: information about Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) and how it might affect your
mental health
(2024) Dublin: College of Psychiatrists of Ireland

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REPAIRS Delphi: A UK and Ireland consensus statement on the management of infected arterial
pseudoaneurysms secondary to groin injecting drug use
REPAIRS Collaborative. MacLeod, Caitlin S et al (2024) European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular
Surgery, 68, (4), pp. 530-540.

[link removed]
Inequalities in smoking and e-cigarette use in young adults with mental ill-health, 20 years after
Ireland’s smoking ban
Hanafin, Joan et al (2024) Tobacco Use Insights, 10.1177/1179173X241283744

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Mental health of Irish adolescents following the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a population-based
cross-sectional survey
Dooley, Niamh et al (2024) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early Online. pp. 1-9.

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Sleep issues and burnout in Irish farmers: a cross sectional survey
O'Connor, Siobhan et al (2024) Safety Science, 171.

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Trafficking in human beings in Ireland: third evaluation of the implementation of the EU
Anti-Trafficking Directive
(2024) Dublin: Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission

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Trends in polysubstance use among patients in methadone maintenance treatment in Ireland: evidence
from urine drug testing 2010-2020
Durand, Louise et al (2024) Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, Early Online. 209507.

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Let Me Explain podcast. 134. Naloxone - the medicine that can pause an overdose
Defoe, Seán and Smith, Jenny and O’Flaherty, Stephen (2024) Dublin:

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Podcast "FASD - What's da Craic?"
(2024) Clare: FASD Ireland

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FASD Ireland pre-budget submission 2025
(2024) Clare: FASD Ireland

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Lifetime trauma, mental well-being, alcohol and help-seeking; the phenomenological experience of
veterans residing in Northern Ireland
Hitch, Catherine et al (2024) BMC Psychology, 12, (1).

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Drivers and facilitators of HIV-related stigma in healthcare settings in Ireland
Vaughan, Elena and Költő, András (2024) AIDS and Behavior, Early Online.

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Smoking, vaping, HTP, NRT and snus in Ireland
[Dataset] (2024)

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Understanding mediated sports consumption by Irish children: a qualitative study exploring their
exposure and understanding of gambling marketing, risks and harms
Kitchin, Paul James et al (2024) BMC Public Health, 24, 2478.

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We are warriors: women who use drugs reflect on parental drug use, their paths of consumption and
access to services. Children and families affected by parental drug use volume II
Giacomello, Corina (2023) Strasbourg: Council of Europe

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Recording of the International Overdose Awareness Day 2024 webinar.
(2024) Health Service Executive

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Self-harm in Irish prisons 2020-2021 report. Fourth report from the Self-Harm Assessment and Data
Analysis (SADA) project
Irish Prison Service, National Office for Suicide Prevention, National Suicide Research Foundation.
(2024) Dublin: Irish Prison Service

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Self-harm data 2021, by CHO area
(2024) Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation

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Health Service Executive: health and wellbeing annual report 2023
National Office – Health & Wellbeing. (2024) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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Smoking prevalence tracker 2023
(2024) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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Mid West Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force strategic plan 2024-2027
(2024) Limerick: Mid West Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force

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Merchants Quay Ireland Directors' report and financial statements 2023
(2024) Dublin: Merchants Quay Ireland

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The State Laboratory annual report 2023
(2024) Dublin: The State Laboratory

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Medical Bureau of Road Safety annual report 2023
(2024) Dublin: Medical Bureau of Road Safety

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Prison visiting committee annual reports 2022
Prison visiting committees. (2024) Dublin: Department of Justice

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Recorded crime Q2 2024
(2024) Cork: CSO

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Irish Penal Reform Trust pre-budget submission: budget 2025
Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.

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Poverty, income inequality and living standards in Ireland: fourth annual report
Roantree, Barra et al (2024) Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute and Community Foundation

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Focus Ireland annual report 2023
(2024) Dublin: Focus Ireland

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Ruhama annual report 2023
(2024) Dublin: Ruhama

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Depaul impact report 2023. A voice for change
(2024) Dublin: Depaul Ireland

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International publications
The impact of economic recessions on the use of illicit drugs: findings from a scoping literature
European Union Drugs Agency. (2024) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

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Making sense of drug use and dependence—A scoping review of mass media interventions intended to
reduce stigma towards people who use drugs
Holland, Adam et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 132.

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Putting tendencies and trajectories to work: useful tools for engaging with accounts of change and
Oliver, Katrin and Savic, Michael (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 132.

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“Above and beyond”: the key role families play in recovery
(2024) London: Adfam

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A scoping review of costing methodologies used to assess interventions for underserved pregnant
people and new parents
Darling, Elizabeth K et al (2024) International Journal for Equity in Health, 23.

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Personality changes related to presence and treatment of substance use (disorders): a systematic
Juchem, Christina M et al (2024) Psychological Medicine, Early Online. pp. 1-25.

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National drug and alcohol treatment waiting times 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024
(2024) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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Pandemic preparedness and homelessness: international lessons from COVID-19.
Schiff, Rebecca et al (2024) Canadian Observatory on Homelessness Press

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Nursing interventions in patients with substance use disorders. A systematic review
Lucas-Guerra, Clara et al (2024) Enfermeria Clinica, 34, (4), pp. 271-292.

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Exploring a pilot alcohol and other drug (AOD) nurse practitioner mentoring program: Empirical
research mixed methods: a pilot nurse practitioner mentoring program
Searby, Adam et al (2024) Nursing Open, 11, (8).

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Risk and protective factors of youth crime: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and
Ayano, Getinet et al (2024) Clinical Psychology Review, 113.

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Interventions to reduce harms related to drug use among people who experience incarceration:
systematic review and meta-analysis
Macdonald, Christel et al (2024) The Lancet Public Health, 9, (9), e684-e699.

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Global prison trends 2024
Prison Reform International. (2024) London: Penal Reform International and Thailand Institute of

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UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform Brief on Afghanistan and neighbouring regions: update on patterns
and trends in heroin, methamphetamine and opium trafficking from 2020 to 2023, before and after the
April 2022 Afghanistan drug ban
(2024) Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

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Opportunities and limits: exploring young people’s views of staff care in residential alcohol and
other drug services
Caluzzi, Gabriel et al (2024) Journal of Youth Studies, Early online.

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Needle Exchange Surveillance Initiative (NESI): monitoring blood-borne viruses and injecting risk
behaviours among people who inject drugs in Scotland, 2008–09 to 2022–23.
(2024) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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Living with hepatitis
Hepatitis Scotland, NHS Scotland. (2024) Glasgow: Hepatitis Scotland.

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A robust brain network for sustained attention from adolescence to adulthood that predicts later
substance use
Weng, Yihe et al (2024) eLife, 13.

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Addictions Edited: the monthly take-home podcast. Series 3, 2024
Calder, Robert (2024) London: Society for the Study of Addiction

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Public policy statement on medical ethics in addiction medicine
(2024) Rockville, MD: American Society of Addiction Medicine

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The ASAM/AAAP clinical practice guideline on the management of stimulant use disorder
Batki, Steven et al (2024) Journal of Addiction Medicine, 18, (1S Suppl 1), pp. 1-56. DOI:

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Detection and quantification of synthetic cannabinoids in seven illicitly sourced disposable vapes
submitted by an individual presenting to a UK drug and alcohol service
Craft, Sam et al (2024) Addiction, Early Online.

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Australian drug trends 2024: key findings from the National Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting
System (EDRS) interviews
Sutherland, Rachel et al (2024) Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney

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Comparison of strength and adulteration between illicit drugs obtained from cryptomarkets versus
Coney, Leigh et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Treatment seeking nitrous oxide users in addiction care: a comparison with cocaine users on clinical
and treatment characteristics
Verboeket, Sebastiaan O et al (2024) European Addiction Research, 30, (4), pp. 223-232.

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Nitazene test strips: a laboratory evaluation
De Vrieze, Liam M et al (2024) Harm Reduction Journal, 21.

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20-year trends in Australian methamphetamine-related deaths, 2001-2020
Stronach, Oisin et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 131.

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Preventing overdoses involving stimulants: the POINTS study protocol
Hughto, Jaclyn M W et al (2024) BMC Public Health, 24.

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Reported non-substance-related mental health disorders among persons who died of drug overdose -
United States, 2022
Dinwiddie, Amanda T et al (2024) MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 73, (34), pp. 747-753.

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Stop the deaths. We can prevent drug deaths: we just need to know how
(2024) Glasgow: Scottish Drugs Forum

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Ignored inequities: critical analysis of the pre-launch development of British Columbia's "Stop
Overdose" campaign
Greto, Tia and Neufeld, Scott D (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 131.

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Early detection and prediction of non-fatal drug-related incidents and fatal overdose outbreaks
using the Farrington algorithm
Patton, Thomas et al (2024) Addiction, Early Online.

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“Before medically advised” departure from hospital and subsequent drug overdose: a population-based
cohort study
Mayesha Khan, Xiao et al (2024) Canadian Medical Association Journal, 31.

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Drug related deaths where gabapentin or pregabalin were mentioned, England and Wales: 2018 to 2022
(2024) London: Office for National Statistics

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Methadone take-home policies and associated mortality: permitting versus non-permitting states
Harris, Rebecca Arden (2024) Substance Use: Research and Treatment, 18.

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Barriers to calling emergency services amongst people who use substances in the event of overdose: a
scoping review
Byles, Hannah et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 132.

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Take-home naloxone administered in emergency settings: feasibility of intervention implementation in
a cluster randomized trial
Snooks, Helen A et al (2024) BMC Emergency Medicine, 24, (1).

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Effect of oral naloxone on opioid-induced constipation in methadone maintenance treatment patients,
a double-blind, placebo-control, clinical trial
Akhgarandouz, Shaghayegh et al (2024) Irish Journal of Medical Science, 193, (4), pp. 1807-1815.

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Perceptions of extended-release buprenorphine among people who received medication for opioid use
disorder in jail: a qualitative study
Stopka, Thomas J et al (2024) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 19, (1).

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‘The gear could be cut with fentanyl which is starting to happen more in Australia’: exploring
overdose survivors’ perspectives on toxic supply and safe consumption
Piatkowski, Timothy et al (2024) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online,

[link removed]
Special considerations in managing pain and psychosocial distress in patients with opioid use
disorder and cancer: the role of the supportive care and psycho-oncology interdisciplinary team
Trimbur, M Catherine et al (2024) Annals of Palliative Medicine, 13, (4), pp. 1076-1089. doi:

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Cannabis laws and utilization of medications for the treatment of mental health disorders
Bradford, Ashley C et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (9). 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.32021

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The association between state cannabis policies and cannabis use among adults and youth, United
States, 2002-2019
Pessar, Seema Choksy et al (2024) Addiction, Early Online.

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Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol exposures reported to US poison centers: variations among US states and
regions and associations with public policy
Smith, Gary A et al (2024) Journal of Medical Toxicology, Early online.

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Overshadowing and salience attribution in relation to cannabis use
Dawes, Christopher et al (2024) Schizophrenia research. Cognition, 37.

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Year-long cannabis use for medical symptoms and brain activation during cognitive processes
Burdinski, Debbie C L et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (9). 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.34354

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Supporter views on alcohol sponsorship in Scottish football
Lawther, Steven (2024) Edinburgh: SHAAP

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A systematic review of interventions to enhance initiation of and adherence to treatment for alcohol
use disorders
Biswal, Bijayalaxmi et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 263.

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Alcohol free? An analysis of UK and Scottish Government obesity policies' engagement with alcohol
Young, Callum and Hawkins, Benjamin (2024) BMC Public Health, 24,

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Policy position: alcohol and cancer risk
(2024) London: World Cancer Research Fund International.

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Neurodiversity and alcohol
(2024) London: Alcohol Change UK

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Alcohol and menopause
(2024) London: Alcohol Change UK

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Alcohol-specific deaths 2023
(2024) Edinburgh: National Records for Scotland

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Age, period and cohort effects of heavy episodic drinking by sex/gender and socioeconomic position
in Canada, 2000-2021
Andreacchi, Alessandra T et al (2024) Addiction, Early Online.

[link removed]
Treatment engagement in comorbid alcohol use disorder and alcohol-related liver disease: a
qualitative exploration of barriers and facilitators with service users
Hemrage, Sofia et al (2024) Alcohol, Clinical & Experimental Research, Early Online.

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Not commissioned: systemic confusion in NHS services for alcohol, pregnancy, & FASD
(2024) Hertfordshire: The National Organisation for FASD

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Effects of a waiting list control design on alcohol consumption among online help-seekers: a
randomised controlled trial
Ulfsdotter Gunnarsson, Katarina et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 263.

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Estimating the effect of transitioning to a strength-based alcohol tax system on alcohol consumption
and health outcomes: a modelling study of tax reform in England
Morris, Damon et al (2024) The Lancet Public Health, Early online.

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Alcohol (in)justice position on people with an alcohol use disorder in the justice system
(2024) Edinburgh: Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems

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An 'alcohol health champions' intervention to reduce alcohol harm in local communities: a
mixed-methods evaluation of a natural experiment
Burns, Elizabeth J et al (2024) Public Health Research, 12, (9), pp. 1-135.

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Killer tactics. How tobacco, alcohol, and unhealthy food and drink industries hold back public
health progress
(2024) London: Alcohol Health Alliance, Action on Smoking and Health and Obesity Health Alliance

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How to stop smoking and stay stopped
(2024) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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What are e-cigarettes?
Malani, Preeti N and Walter, Kristin L (2024) JAMA, 332, (9), 768. 10.1001/jama.2024.14334

[link removed]
The association between vaping and subsequent initiation of cigarette smoking in young Australians
from age 12 to 17 years: a retrospective cohort analysis using cross-sectional recall data from 5114
Egger, Sam et al (2024) Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Early Online.

[link removed]
Effects of interventions to combat tobacco addiction: Cochrane update of 2021 to 2023 reviews
Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan et al (2024) Addiction, Early Online.

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A systematic literature review on the composition, health impacts, and regulatory dynamics of vaping
Ghuman, Annayat et al (2024) Cureus, 16, (8).

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Impact of gambling on the internet on middle-term and long-term recovery from gambling disorder: a
2-year longitudinal study
Challet-Bouju, Gaëlle et al (2024) Journal of Gambling Studies, Early Online.

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The expansion of gambling across the Americas poses risks to mental health and wellbeing
Ukhova, Daria et al (2024) Lancet Regional Health. Americas, 37.

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Minister Foley announces Jigsaw as successful bidder to deliver new programme to support wellbeing
and mental health
[Department of Education] (27 Sep 2024)

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Press release: fallout from extending opening hours will be felt across towns and cities of Ireland
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (26 Sep 2024)

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Minister for Health makes law for fines for those selling tobacco products or nicotine inhaling
products at events for children
[Department of Health] (23 Sep 2024)

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Minister Burke announces funding of €2.3 million to sustain community-based drugs services and to
support people in recovery
[Department of Health] (20 Sep 2024)

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Drug addicts waiting months for place in detox units due to lack of space
[Irish Examiner] Murphy, Ann (17 Sep 2024)

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Over 46,000 canisters of potentially lethal laughing gas seized so far this year
[Irish Examiner] McGlynn, Michelle (15 Sep 2024)

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EU should not ‘declare war’ on citizens over rise in drug violence
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (13 Sep 2024)

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The sobering truth about drink-spiking — and the consequences
[Irish Examiner] Daly, Rebecca (13 Sep 2024)

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Detox referral lists rising due to lack of beds - charity
[RTE News] Conneely, Ailbhe (13 Sep 2024)

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Threats, assaults and arson used by drug dealers to recoup debts
[RTE Primetime] McMorrow, Conor (12 Sep 2024)

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Health Minister to seek Cabinet approval to ban the sale of disposable vapes in Ireland
. [] Moore, Jane (10 Sep 2024)

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International FASD awareness day 2024. Supporting alcohol free pregnancies
[Health Service Executive] (06 Sep 2024)

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Calls for addiction to be treated as a mental health issue
[Irish Times] Bowers, Shauna (04 Sep 2024)

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Life-saving naloxone drug was administered 461 times last year
[Irish Examiner] Lysaght, Rachel (02 Sep 2024)

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Almost 10,000 breathalyser tests availed of at Electric Picnic
[Road Safety Authority] (02 Sep 2024)

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Ireland’s new drugs Minister Colm Burke says one in five politicians in the Dáil have probably taken
illegal substances
[Hot Press] (02 Sep 2024)

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Almost 3,000 prisoners waiting for psychology and addiction services
[Irish Examiner] McGlynn, Michelle (01 Sep 2024)

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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Questions 12, 29, 31 & 216 – Drug dealing [
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] (26 Sep)

Seanad Éireann debate. Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Committee Stage (and resumed debate). [
[link removed]
] (26 Sep 2024)

Question 126 – Departmental correspondence [Strategy] [
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] (25 Sep)

Question 24 – Addiction treatment services [Community employment]. [
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] (24 Sep)

Question 536 – Addiction treatment services [Alcohol strategy]. [
[link removed]
] (24 Sep)

Joint Committee on Drugs Use debate. Decriminalisation, depenalisation, diversion and legalisation
of drugs: discussion (resumed) [Irish Pharmacy Union and ICGP]. [
[link removed]
] (19 Sep)

Question 470 – Addiction treatment services. [
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] (18 Sep)

Questions 193 & 194 – Revenue commissioners. [
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] (18 Sep)

Question 1154 – An Garda Síochaná [alcohol test licensing inspections]. [
[link removed]
] (09 Sep)

Question 1040 & 1069 – An Garda Síochána. [
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] (09 Sep)

Question 1089 – Prison Service [overdoses]. [
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] (09 Sep)

Question 1103 – Prison service. [
[link removed]
] (09 Sep)

Question 1164 – An Garda Síochaná [Operation Irene]. [
[link removed]
] (09 Sep)

Question 1184 – Departmental funding. [
[link removed]
] (09 Sep)

Question 480 – Alcohol sales. [
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] (09 Sep)

Questions 374 & 382 – Illicit trade [tobacco products]. [
[link removed]
] (09 Sep)

Questions 355, 356 & 357 – Gambling sector [gaming machines]. [
[link removed]
] (09 Sep)

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