
I hope this message finds you happy and healthy today, and weathering this crisis as well as could be expected.

In the face of our new, difficult reality, I see rays of hope. I know that my friends and colleagues around the country are doing everything they can to get our country back on track and to lay the foundation for a brighter future. One person, in particular, is the reason I’m reaching out to you today: My friend Sri Preston Kulkarni.

Sri is running for Congress in a part of Texas that was reliably Red before he entered the picture. Texas’ 22nd Congressional district, like many around the country, was designed by GOP lawmakers to elect and re-elect Republicans, over and over again. That was the case until the 2018 midterms, when Sri and his amazing campaign team very nearly shocked the political world. Sri is back and determined to finish the job he started in 2018.

Using the skills he honed in the Foreign Service, Sri has reached out to voters in under-served areas that had never witnessed a politician bother to engage with them before, and he’s campaigned in more than a dozen languages. He knows exactly how working families and immigrant communities aren’t currently being served by their representatives, because he was right there with them as a kid growing up in Houston. He knows from experience the cruel reality of runaway medical bills and mounting college debts, and he has a plan to fix it.

When Sri re-launched his campaign for another run in 2020, the incumbent Republican retired rather than choosing to take his chances against him a second time.

Sri’s victory in November will bring a long-overdue infusion of leadership and skill to Congress and, by bringing hundreds of thousands of new voters into the fray, his victory may well be the deciding factor in flipping the whole state of Texas. Will you join me and the team at Serve America this Friday to help get Sri over that finish line?

Virtual Fundraiser with Congressman Moulton featuring special guest, Sri Kulkarni
Friday, May 8, 2020
5:00 PM

*The Zoom link will be sent to all confirmed guests 24 hours prior to the event

We need new leaders in Congress who can adapt to this changing world and who have plans for a bright future. We need people who understand that these jobs are too important to squander with petty political games, who are doing this work because of their principles and commitment to service rather than their pursuit of power or fame.

Fortunately, candidates like Sri are working hard to make Congress work for you. Can he count on your support?

All the best,

Craig Harrington
National Political Director
Serve America PAC

To RSVP, please visit: or contact Caroline Musumarra (Finance Director) at [email protected] or at (978) 457-2215.