Dear John,
As COVID-19 takes a devastating toll on lives and livelihoods around the world, it is creating new threats to the human rights and freedoms that we at Freedom House strive to protect.
Governments are using COVID-19 as a pretext to suppress independent speech, increase surveillance, and otherwise restrict fundamental rights, going beyond what is justified by public health needs. These emergency measures could have lasting consequences well after the pandemic is over. Meanwhile, human rights activists and journalists are being punished for their efforts to draw attention to inadequate governmental responses to the crisis.
Today, #GivingTuesdayNow draws attention to the tremendous organizations that are responding to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. We ask that you
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support Freedom House
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to defend democracy and human rights during the pandemic.
COVID-19 has upended activists’ and human rights defenders' work at a time when their efforts to hold governments accountable to their citizens is more important than ever, and has amplified the threats that these courageous individuals already face. In response, Freedom House is working with our partners in countries around the world to reorient their activities, and we continue to provide critical emergency support to front-line defenders in their time of need.
As the coronavirus has spread globally, we also developed a set of five principles
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for protecting civil liberties and political rights in the fight against COVID-19, calling for any government measures intended to stop the virus’ spread be transparent, necessary, proportionate, grounded in law, nondiscriminatory, and time-delimited. The principles highlight the importance of a free press, free and fair elections, and limits on surveillance, and provide a foundation for advocates' work on the pandemic.
We have launched a weekly COVID-19 newsletter
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to spotlight where and how the pandemic is impacting rights and freedoms around the world, and to analyze the fast-changing environment. These pieces and other COVID-19 information are all available on our webpage about pandemic and democracy
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These are extraordinary times and Freedom House’s work has never been more urgent. Please join us
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to provide data and analysis of the impact that COVID-19 is having on human rights and democracy around the world, and to support those standing to defend them.
With best regards,
Michael Abramowitz
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