Hi Friend,
The clock is ticking on our Giving Tuesday Now Match and I wanted to make sure you don’t miss out: Every dollar you give will be MATCHED by our partners at The Coca-Cola Company and Toyota, but only until midnight tonight.
When it’s safe, we need to be 100% ready to get athletes off the sidelines and back in the game. And we need your help!
There may never be another time when Special Olympics athletes need your support more. Give now to help twice as many athletes stay healthy and connected in these uncertain times.
Thank you so much for your support,
Kelli Seely
Chief Marketing, Communications & Development Officer
2X MATCH for Giving Tuesday Now! DOUBLE your impact for athletes >>
We’re writing to ask for your help, Friend –– and there are three big reasons why:
Today is Giving Tuesday Now, a global day of unity to support friends, neighbors, and loved ones who are most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanks to our Founding Partner The Coca-Cola Company and Toyota, your gift to Special Olympics will be DOUBLED to help twice as many athletes.
Athletes need your support now more than ever.
We’ve had to cancel or postpone many of our events this year. That was a really tough decision for us. We never want to take away the chance for athletes to laugh with teammates, learn a new skill, or show the world their abilities –– but the safety of athletes and their families is our first priority.
Though many events are paused for now, we can’t pause our support for athletes. We need to make sure they have everything they need to get into the game again when it’s absolutely safe.
Your DOUBLED gift on Giving Tuesday Now makes that possible. Help build a bright future for twice as many athletes today >>

Your matched gift today will also help boost our programs for athletes off the field. During this time, we’ve been doing whatever it takes to keep athletes connected to their communities and one another. Thanks to the support of people like you, we’ve launched virtual workout programs, athlete meetups, and other digital events. These efforts have been essential in keeping our mission of inclusion strong. We can’t let athletes feel forgotten, isolated, or without a sense of community during this scary time.
Now is when athletes need you the most, Friend. Plus, this match offer is the best time to make your first gift. Please, rush your donation –– doubled today –– to help us ensure no athlete is forgotten during this pandemic. Your matched gift will also help TWICE as many athletes play and compete as soon as it’s safe! Donate now:
Thank you for your support now, and always,
The team at Special Olympics
P.S. Putting events on hold means we expect to see a shortfall in funding for our programs. If that happens, we might not be able to reach every athlete and person with intellectual disabilities who need us. Your DOUBLED gift today safeguards against that. Please, if you can, make a matched gift now. |