Take Five Newsletter

September 30, 2024

Hey Friend,


Grab your favorite sweater and a warm beverage – it's #SolidaritySeason! 🍂


From coast to coast, workers are disrupting the status quo. Plug into the latest actions and catch up on headlines from the movement below!


Whether it’s a birthday card for a loved one or life-saving medications, postal workers move millions of critical communications and parcels from one end of the country to another. 

Their hard work, which connects so many of us, often goes unseen.


Add your name! Support over 200,000 postal workers trying to build a better post office!

The American Postal Workers Union has been negotiating a new contract since earlier this Summer, but APWU is still waiting on their demands for better staffing, better service, the right to public comments, and a good contract NOW. On Tuesday, October 1, postal workers are asking communities to join them for a day of action. Find a rally and other ways to support here.


“To be clear, voting is an essential democratic freedom, but it’s not the collective power I’m talking about. Voting is like going to a restaurant and choosing between entrees on the menu. Collective power is like sitting at the table deciding what’s on the menu.” Read more.


“Now is the time for international and multi-sectoral strategies, because these are, in many cases, multinational corporations that are more powerful than states, and they have no democratic accountability whatsoever, except for workers organized.” Read more.


“For nearly 90 minutes during September’s presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump sparred on several issues. Yet, while the economy received some attention, there was a near-total lack of questions or discussion about unions or economic democracy. Nor did these themes feature prominently in the media conversations that followed the debates.” Read more.


From Tucson, Arizona to Atlanta, Georgia, the Jobs With Justice crew has recently been convening major events with workers and labor leaders like Acting Secretary Julie Su from the Department of Labor.

📍Arizona Jobs With Justice invited the DOL to a roundtable in Tucson about the effects of extreme heat with Mayor Romero, Chair Grijalva, Tucson workers, and April Ignacio from Indivisible Tohono. Arizona Jobs With Justice Chair, Steve Valencia, facilitated the session.


📍Jobs With Justice, alongside our project Advancing Black Strategists Initiative (ABSI), and Clark Atlanta University (CAU) welcomed Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su to CAU for an engaging discussion and constructive dialogue with Black workers about the current state of labor in the South.


“With the support of the federal investments, together we can establish an equal and democratic standard setting across the region and throughout the industry,” said Erica Smiley, JWJ executive director. “This ensures that from Michigan to Mississippi, we build a floor for working people which leaves no worker behind. If we’re successful, I dare say we might finally be back on track to building the multiracial democracy of our ancestors’ dreams. And the souls of Black folks can for once be at ease.”


Last summer, Jobs With Justice began a partnership with the National Women's Law Center to engage organized labor and worker justice groups in the fight for abortion access. This partnership has included a blog series featuring local work from JWJ coalitions. Read more below about Missouri Jobs with Justice's fight for abortion access through ballot initiative organizing.

Missourians in the labor and repro movements are also building cross-movement solidarity beyond ballot measure organizing. Two organizations that are leading in this work are Abortion Action Missouri (AAM) and Missouri Jobs with Justice (MOJWJ). These organizations have played a pivotal role in reshaping the narrative around reproductive rights within labor circles. Together, they advocate for legislation that safeguards reproductive rights, advances economic equity, and protects workers’ rights to fair wages and safe working conditions. Read more.


Tickets for Jobs With Justice's 20th Annual Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Celebration are available now. Join us Tuesday, November 19, in Washington, D.C. Get tickets!