Friend --
RSVP below for the 8:30 pm meeting tonight.
Both Jose Vega and I addressed the Saturday, Sept. 28
Rage Against the War Machine rally in D.C.?
You can watch my 10
minute speech here.?
We are now in the process of building for a major indoor peace
rally/concert in New York City on October 26, to which all are
invited.? More will come your way soon about this. Please plan to join
us in person for that incredible event!
Tonight, we will take reports from all of you who represented our
campaigns in Washington, D.C. and Kingston, NY, and get an update on
the ever more dangerous war drive being waged by the enemies of
mankind, which has seen new levels of depravity with the assassination
of Hezbollah leader Nasrallah in southern Lebanon, using mega bombs
and killing 1000 civilians, and the Biden/Harris rush to defend
Netanyahu's war crimes. The United States could stop the killing and
force an end to this conflict in less than 30 minutes if we had a
president with an ounce of wisdom and morality.? Join us tonight.