You've come through for us time and time again. Your support has been the backbone of our organization, and we are truly grateful for everything you have done for us.
And today I'm asking you to make a generous tax-deductible donation of $35, $50, $100, or more to help us reach our first milestone toward bringing on a new attorney.
If you can contribute the full $75,000 to reach our first goal, we would be immensely grateful.
Every dollar counts and any amount you can give will help us expand our vital work and bring on another attorney.
The radical left is advancing its agenda at an alarming pace. Already, America is no longer the land of the free you and I grew up in.
We must do more to fight back.
Bringing on another attorney is the only way the Center for American Liberty can continue expanding its efforts to protect your freedom to say what you want, to live according to your conscience, and to pass on your conservative values to the next generation.
But we must raise the entire $250,000 before we can even post a job opening.
So can I count on your urgent tax-deductible gift of $35, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, or any amount toward our first milestone today?
John, I speak for our entire team when I say thank you for all you do for us. We wouldn't be in this position to expand and make an even bigger impact against the left without you.