Giving back for Giving Tuesday Now


Today GLSEN is joining organizations across the country and around the globe in celebrating Giving Tuesday Now. This campaign was launched in response to the COVID pandemic to provide an opportunity for people across the country to stand together in unity, generosity, and support for one another.

John, LGBTQ youth may be feeling especially isolated, confused, and alone while currently sheltered at home. Please help GLSEN expand our reach on both national and local levels—with a much-needed digital expansion to rural and conservative areas.

It is crucial that we do all we can to ensure that social distancing does not result in social isolation for LGBTQ students and that the need for digital connection does not leave students vulnerable to cyberbullying.

For many students, having adult allies to whom they can turn for support—or even simply knowing that LGBTQ allies exist in their community—creates a more welcoming and safer environment for students to learn and thrive as their true selves.

Your donation today will help provide resources to teachers who are on the forefront of our work with LGBTQ youth. John, your gift will have a tremendous impact: one teacher can reach so many students.

GLSEN knows that, together, we will continue to find strength in our community. Thank you for joining us in the fight to guarantee that LGBTQ youth are safe and protected.

Thank you for all you do,

PS: John, will you help us send some well-deserved praise and love to the educators who are making a real difference in the lives of LGBTQ students? Add your name to our card thanking fearless educators for their work to create safe, inclusive spaces for all students.
GLSEN Inc. | 110 William Street | 30th Floor | New York, NY 10038 | 212-727-0135 | [email protected]
