Hi Friend,
Today is Giving Tuesday Now—a day of global generosity and unity to support organizations working through the public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
I’m hoping that you’ll join us by supporting two of our partner organizations working on the frontlines of public health in Guatemala and Uganda.
WINGS Guatemala is dedicated to providing reproductive health care and education to rural, indigenous Guatemalans. In just January and February of this year, before the pandemic forced a temporary suspension of clinical services, they performed 527 tubal ligations and 86 vasectomies and placed 133 IUDs and 503 subdermal hormonal implants. Providing access to these services empowers people to lead healthier lives by preventing unintended pregnancies.
Help WINGS continue their vital work with a gift today.
You can support their patient-centered approach, which focuses on efficient provision of modern family planning and sexual health services:
Your gift of $500 would provide permanent contraception (vasectomy or tubal ligation) for five patients.
Your gift of $150 provides four women with long-acting reversible contraception for 5 to 10 years.
Your gift of $75 provides three women with short-acting contraception for one year.
Your gift of $30 provides three women with life-saving cervical cancer screenings.
Your gift of any amount today will be transferred to WINGS to ensure that their work can continue throughout 2020 and beyond.
Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH) works to protect endangered mountain gorillas by helping the human communities living in and around East Africa’s protected areas to improve their own health and livelihoods. CTPH bases their approach on the premise that human and wildlife health and sustainability are deeply connected. In 2018, mountain gorillas were reclassified from “critically endangered” to “endangered,” the only gorilla subspecies to show a recovery in numbers. The coronavirus pandemic has created a new challenge, as CTPH shifts to slowing the spread of COVID-19 within human communities and to mountain gorillas.
Consider a gift to aid in their efforts now.
You can provide CTPH’s Village Health and Conservation Teams with protection and support as they continue their work within the communities surrounding gorilla habitats and while monitoring mountain gorillas.
Your gift of $500 trains one public health official to promote health initiatives within communities and to aid in gorilla conservation.
Your gift of $150 purchases an infrared thermometer allowing no-contact temperature measurement of those traveling into gorilla habitats to ensure the health and well-being of mountain gorillas.
Your gift of $25 covers the cost of a dozen reusable cloth facemasks for volunteers tasked with herding gorillas away from human homes and crops.
Your gift of $10 pays for a liter of hand sanitizer for staff, volunteers, and tourists to use while visiting mountain gorilla habitats.
Your gift today will be transferred to CTPH to aid in their fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Thank you, again, for your generosity and support. I hope you’ll consider supporting one or both of these organizations today. We are proud to partner with them in their vital, lifesaving work on Giving Tuesday Now.
Warm regards,

John Seager
President and CEO