.During a Ways and Means hearing this week on ways to improve and reform the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, I highlighted a TANF funded program that has been a great success and a responsible steward of critical taxpayer dollars. Kansas’ JAG-K, Jobs for America’s Graduates-Kansas, serves approximately 6,200 students in 48 school districts across the state, equipping students in grades 6-12 with the tools they need to successfully transition into post-secondary school, the military, or directly into the workforce with marketable skills. JAG-K has exceeded national standards in the top measured success categories since the class of 2014.
JAG-K goes to great lengths to ensure its TANF funds are used responsibly. Some of their processes to ensure integrity include submitting an annual budget, itemizing and documenting expenses, and an annual audit. In addition to this financial reporting, they submit monthly programming status reports and quarterly progress reports toward performance measures. As I said in my remarks, guardrails like this would go a long way toward ensuring TANF funds are used for well-functioning and successful programs, like JAG-K, that serve people in need across the country. You can watch my full remarks below.