September 29, 2024

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Rep. Miller-Meeks: Confronting the Threat of the Chinese Communist Party

The aggressive actions of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pose an undeniable threat to our national security.


Last year, when a Chinese spy ballon flew over the nation’s airspace garnering national news attention, Chinese-state intelligence operation. In addition to purchasing farmland next to military bases, the CCP has stolen enough intellectual property to cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars. In one of the most poorly kept secrets, CCP-owned enterprises often employ children or exploit and oppress religious minorities for slave labor – particularly in the manufacturing sector.


Perhaps most insidiously, the Chinese government subsidizes the creation of synthetic fentanyl precursors which are supplied to cartels and trafficked into the United States – contributing to the deaths of over 70,000 Americans each year.


We cannot mischaracterize these offenses as the scrappy, potshots of a far-away bully. The CCP’s strategy of subversion is an urgent and imminent threat. Through their “united front” work – a blueprint for state-backed foreign influence operations – the CCP funds Confucius Institutes across America with the objective of manipulating public perception.


Despite these grave threats, the Biden-Harris Administration has failed to respond decisively. They promised to be tough on China, yet we have witnessed an alarming expansion of Chinese Communist influence. In this leadership vacuum created by the White House, House Republicans have taken initiative by passing 25 critical bills aimed at countering the CCP’s threats. One of the most important of these bills was prohibiting the CCP from purchasing farmland. 

The House of Representatives passed the ‘Protecting American Agriculture from Foreign Adversaries Act‘ which would allow USDA to review foreign investments into agricultural land. Our home state has been a leader on this issue by enacting stronger reporting requirements for foreign investments into Iowa farmland. It is crucial for us to keep our domestic food supply secure.


Also among the 25 bills is also the ‘STOP CCP Act’, which imposes stringent sanctions on CCP officials who continue to harass Taiwan or contribute to the Uyghur genocide and  the ‘End Chinese Dominance of Electric Vehicles in America Act’. It prohibits Chinese manufacturers of EV components from receiving U.S. tax credits. 

Let me be clear: the fight against the CCP’s influence is far from over. We will not back down. Together, we must defend our nation, uphold our values, and stand fiercely against communist tyranny.


In Congress, I will remain relentless in my commitment to legislation that confronts the ever-growing threat of the CCP. We cannot afford complacency; our national security and way of life in Iowa are at stake.

Do you believe that the Chinese Communist Party is the biggest foreign threat we face?

Representing Iowa's 1st In D.C.

I met Paula Knauss Selph, mother of Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, one of the 13 tragically killed in the Afghanistan withdrawal. She saw his photo outside my office and stopped in to thank me for honoring him. I’ll never forget Ryan’s sacrifice and his mother’s pain. Paula is now helping establish junior ROTC scholarships in his memory.

Great meeting with members of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) to discuss the challenges facing surviving spouses and families of fallen service members.

It was great meeting with the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives! We discussed how EPA power plant regulations impact energy reliability, the need for permitting reform, and rising electricity costs.

Had a great meeting with the American Medical Group Association discussing the need to eliminate harmful payment cuts to physicians and reform the Medicare reimbursement system to ensure patients can access independent doctors.

Great to meet with National Federation of Independent Business' Iowa representative and Lana Pol, an Iowa small business owner who testified at our field hearing in August. We discussed the vital 199A small business deduction and the severe economic consequences if it expires in 2025.

Had a productive conversation with Americans for Prosperity Iowa about the impending fiscal cliff. We discussed the critical need to extend the Trump tax cuts, helping corporations, small businesses, and families thrive beyond 2025.

Great meeting with Iowa members of the National Stone Sand & Gravel Association to discuss vital issues facing the industry.

Floor Speeches

Honored to celebrate Iowa World War II veteran Richard Keep Jr.'s 100th birthday on the House Floor!

I honored Mr. David Lee Ireland, a true Iowa hero, on the House Floor. His service as Lee County Sheriff and lifelong dedication to the Boy Scouts exemplified community commitment. Let us celebrate his lasting impact. Rest in peace, David.

I slammed the Biden-Harris Administration's handling of the border crisis, highlighting how their failed policies enabled over 10 million illegal immigrants to enter our country.


Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks
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