Please Click Here to Submit Your
Storm Heaven Intentions Today!

Dear Friend,
Have you submitted your intentions for the Holy Mass and Rosary that Cardinal
Burke will offer privately on Tuesday, October
1? There will be no
His Eminence will offer the Holy
Mass for the intentions of the Operation Storm Heaven Rosary Warriors,
as well as the intentions that you will submit, most especially those
that are deep within your heart.
Let’s meditate on what our
shepherd, Cardinal Burke has said about devotion to the Holy
“Although the Feast or Memorial of
Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated on October 7th, the entire month
of October is dedicated to fostering this most highly prized devotion
to Mary, which she herself has given to us.”
“First, the message of Our Lady of
Fatima urges us to honor her by praying the Rosary every day. Second,
when Our Lady concluded her apparitions at Fatima on October 13, 1917,
Our Lord granted a remarkable confirmation of the apparitions in the
Miracle of the Sun. Third, in asking us to pray daily the Rosary, Our
Lady indicated a specific intention: peace. Pope Saint John Paul II,
echoing Our Lady’s messages to us at Fatima, explained that “the
Rosary is by its nature a prayer for peace” (Rosarium Virginis Mariae,
His Eminence speaks of peace and
the Holy Rosary:
“The peace for which we pray, while
reciting the prayer of the Rosary is not a peace given by this world
(cf. Jn 14, 27), but rather the peace obtained for us by the blood of
the Cross of Jesus Christ (cf. Col 1, 20).”
“The victory of peace is ultimately
the victory over Satan who, since the sin of our First Parents, never
ceases to tempt us to commit sin. It is the victory worked by God the
Father through the Redemptive Incarnation of His only-begotten Son.
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, is the privileged instrument
through which God the Father sent God the Son into the world to win
for us the victory. She is the woman whose Son crushes the head of the
serpent, Satan, as God the Father promised after the sin of Adam and
Eve (cf. Gen 3, 15). She continues to be the channel by which the
grace of Christ wins the victory over sin in our daily
Cardinal Burke explains why we
should pray the Holy Rosary daily and the victory of peace:
“By praying the Rosary daily, we
draw near to the Mother of Our Savior, who teaches us, as she taught
the wine stewards at the Wedding Feast of Cana: “Do whatever He
[Jesus] tells you” (Jn 2, 5). She, whom Our Savior gave to us as our
Mother – the Mother of Divine Grace – helps us to stand faithfully,
with her, beneath the Cross of Our Lord, one in heart with her
Immaculate Heart in the glorious pierced Heart of Jesus (cf. Jn 19,
25-27). With her, we share in the Triumph of the Cross.”
“The victory of peace, sought
through the Immaculate Heart of Mary by praying the Holy Rosary and
attained in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, overcomes the confusion, error
and division, all the works of the Evil One, which so fiercely attack
today the world and the Church.”
“For that reason, I urge you today,
if you are not already doing so, to pray the Holy Rosary, seeking the
intercession of the Mother of God for the victory of peace, peace in
your soul, peace in the world, peace in the Church.”
I would like to take advantage of
this opportunity to thank you for being part of Cardinal Burke's
Rosary Crusade Operation Storm
Heaven and for continuing your prayers for many
graces to be bestowed upon His Eminence.
Finally, if you know others who
have intentions and would like to submit them, and to help others
join Operation Storm Heaven as we march to our goal of reaching One
Million Rosary Warriors, please forward this email to your family and
friends and ask them to click here.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
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