We have just 6 hours left of #GivingTuesdayNow, a day of charitable giving in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the issues it has awoken across the globe.
So far we have raised £2,200 but we’re appealing for your help to make it to £3,000. Can you help by donating what you can?
We are in regular contact with our partners in Africa and Asia, supporting them to assess risks to staff, the women and girls they support and their overall finances so they may survive this challenge and resume their vital work on the other side of COVID-19. We're setting up a resilience fund, to provide flexible and unrestricted funding to women’s rights organisations, which will enable them to respond quickly and effectively to the needs of their community.
Supporting girls in Africa’s largest urban slum
I’m sure many of you will remember the Polycom Development Project from our appeal at Christmas. Polycom are an organisation supporting girls to report sexual violence they are experiencing by submitting notes into ‘Talking Boxes’ installed at their school in the Kibera slum in Kenya.
As schools remain closed in Kenya, Womankind has funded four new Talking Boxes to be installed in local admin centres so the girls can continue to speak out and seek help. We have also supported Polycom to buy masks, hand sanitiser and sanitary products for girls in the area as extreme poverty and poor sanitation blight the lives of Kibera slum residents.
How you can help
We’re so close to raising an incredible £3,000 as part of #GivingTuesdayNow, can you help us get over the line?
We understand this is an intense time for everyone – we’re worried about our health and that of our friends and family, as well as many of us remaining separated from loved ones as well. So thank you for taking the time to read our emails today. Your support, financial or otherwise, is always hugely appreciated.
With best wishes,
Hannah Little
Fundraising & Marketing Officer
Pictured above: Grace, a Kibera schoolgirl stands next to a Talking Box installed by the Polycom Development Project in her school in Nairobi, Kenya.