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TheBecketFund for religious liberty
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         A Message from Becket's Executive Director
                                                                                                                        May 5, 2020


Although we are launching a big #GivingTuesdayNow campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and I would love for all of you to join us and support our work, I wanted to write you a different kind of message today.

You see, tomorrow is a HUGE day for us. As I mentioned last week, the Supreme Court chose to include two Becket Fund cases in the ten it agreed to hear telephonically. The Little Sisters will have their day at the Supreme Court -- more accurately, their second day in court, in a matter of five years -- tomorrow. Through a live feed provided to C-SPAN and other networks tomorrow at 10AM, you and Americans across the country will be able to hear the lawyers make their arguments in real time. The live feed is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get an indication of what matters to the Justices as they ask their questions.

If you forget what this fight is all about, you can be forgiven (it did start in 2011...). Here's a short video that tells the story of the Sisters' mission to care for the elderly poor. Trust me, it's worth it:

As you think about your philanthropy and the legacy of the pandemic today, think about what didn't stop. Think about which cases were chosen for immediate arguments because what's at stake is too important to be put on the back burner for a few more months.

The immediate need, long-term impact, and growing field of opportunity for the defense of religious freedom is what motivates me and has kept this team pushing ahead at full speed. The year the Supreme Court agrees to hear four of your cases is not the moment to quit. It's the moment to dig deep, invest, and put it all on the line.

Today, I ask you to think about your undefeated team of happy religious liberty warriors and the clients who allow us to do the work that is transforming our country. They remind us that we live in the home of the free because the brave were courageous enough to say that freedom of conscience means getting to choose what you believe and to live according to those beliefs at all times, without government intrusion. Tomorrow, the Little Sisters of the Poor will be standing up for all of us.

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board said it best over the weekend:

The United States has long been a beacon for religious liberty. Many Amish are exempt from Social Security. Even in times of world war, the U.S. has accommodated pacifists like Quakers and Brethren. Assuming the government has an interest in broadening access to contraception, surely that doesn't require conscripting the health plans offered by Catholic nuns.

Thank you for being on Team Freedom.






Montse Alvarado
Executive Director 
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