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This is our last big push, Democrats.

On May 12, California is facing 2 important special elections:
  1. Christy Smith — She’s running for Congress in CA-25 against an ultra-right wing, Trump-backed GOP opponent. You can keep this seat blue by signing up to volunteer here »

  2. Elizabeth Romero — She’s fighting to flip State Senate District 28 blue! Elizabeth is a committed community advocate who has led efforts to enroll over 17,000 Americans in quality, affordable health care coverage. Send this health care advocate to Sacramento by volunteering today »
JOIN OUR MAY 9 DAY OF ACTION We’ll kick the day off with a virtual town hall with Christy, Elizabeth, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, and CA Democratic Party Chair Rusty Hicks at 10:00 AM PST.

Right afterwards, we’ll take immediate action to make calls to voters in CD-25 and SD-28. You get to pick who you’d like to make calls for! RSVP We need these seats to be blue. Join us & make a difference:

CA Democrats Field Team


Paid for by the California Democratic Party and authorized by Christy Smith for Congress and Elizabeth Romero for State Senate.

Copyright © 2020 CA Democratic Party, All rights reserved.
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CA Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811-7012

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