Hey there,
The Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments. Tomorrow they’ll be hearing a case that could open the floodgates for any employer to decide they don’t want their employees to access affordable birth control.
Five unelected men should not be deciding who gets access to affordable birth control. Period. Hours after oral arguments conclude, we’re having a conversation with Rep. Judy Chu and leading experts and advocates from Rewire.News, Center for Popular Democracy, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, National Women's Law Center, and our team at Demand Justice to discuss the Supreme Court’s latest case on reproductive freedom — and how we can come together to say #HandsOffMyBC.
Click here to learn more and sign up to join tomorrow night's 8pm ET conversation.
Join Tomorrow's Event →
Hope to see you on Zoom tomorrow!
Thank you for all that you do,
Katie O'Connor
Senior Counsel
Demand Justice
Donald Trump is openly taking over our courts, and if we let him succeed, his nominees will keep his hateful vision alive on the federal bench for decades. Join Demand Justice and take a stand to protect our nation's courts.
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