PLUS: Aquatic life in paradise, a one-of-a-kind look at bees at work and play
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Iconic: Rosy pink body, melon head, and toothy smiling snout. The pink Amazon river dolphin is among the attractions for visitors; this one is waiting for a fish handout from a local tourism operator—a controversial practice because it increases the animal’s reliance on humans. Nat Geo Explorer Thomas Peschak dove beneath the dolphin, to the dark-as-night riverbed, to make this image. |
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Paradise undisturbed: Look at the eyes of this 6-foot-long catfish as it glides past Thomas Peschak in Bolivia’s Isiboro Sécure National Park and Indigenous Territory. It has the girth of a potbellied pig, Peschak says in wonder. “They’ve got these big expression-full eyes.” |
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Today’s Soundtrack: (Who Discovered) America? Ozomatli
Thanks for opening today’s Photo of the Week, which was edited and curated by David Beard and produced by Alec Egamov. Like what you see? Get this in your inbox next Sunday. |
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