Happy Wednesday, Abortion Access Warriors! It was a busy weekend for us in NYC! Not only are we ramping up for the second leg of Abortion AF: The Tour, we made some noise right here in BROOKLYN!!!  On Sunday, AAF represented at Barclays Center and did a full court press of busting abortion stigma as the official non-profit partner on Unity Day with the New York Friggin’ Liberty!!! Abortion Access Front brought supporters, volunteers and staff members together to cheer on these badasses, then hit the actual court for photos and some free throws wearing our AAF shirts! Nothing more fun than watching some b-ball and raising awareness about our work. But our week wasn’t all fun and games. Our friends from Hope Clinic were in town to help us all learn how dire things are because of all the bulls**t in Missouri. For those of you who have been following us for a while, you will remember we did extensive work at their clinic in 2017. We did a complete makeover of their waiting room and threw a "taco party" for their staff. For those of you who don’t know about Hope Clinic, Hope is a refuge for people needing abortion care in Missouri. They are located just across the river from St Louis, in Granite City, IL and will soon be the only clinic left in the greater St. Louis area offering abortion services if the Missouri abortion ban goes into effect at the end of the month. Hope was in NYC for a private event to raise funds and awareness and AAF’s operation’s manager Marie Khan attended the event to get our marching orders to help them fight back. Photo (Top): Team Abortion AF at the NY Liberty game, The NY Liberty vs. The Seattle Storm, and the Team on the court post-game! Photo (Above): AAF Staff members and volunteers show off the beautified reception area at Hope Clinic in 2017 Hope has seen a sharp increase of patients coming from Missouri since the state passed a slew of restrictive abortion bans including a 72 hour waiting period in 2017. The clinic had been seeing around 3,000 patients per year, but these restrictions resulted in a surge to 3,800 patients in 2018, with approximately 55% of patients coming to Hope Clinic from Missouri. If the new law goes into effect on August 28, or if Missouri's last remaining abortion provider loses its licenses in October, it’s gonna get much worse. Hope needs our help. They need a new roof and an HVAC system that will cost them $240,000! You love AAF because we bring you tangible ways to help, and so my compassionate badasses, you can help these amazing providers with their much needed capital improvements RIGHT HERE! Thanks for continuing to be in our court (pun intended) and for supporting our work and the needs we bring to you from our amazing providers. Every time we support them, they feel seen and validated and we can’t thank you enough for com mitting to celebrating them and their work. It is needed now more than ever! And finally, here's our shameless weekly plea for donations (in honor of my birthday, of course!) Donate today to keep us on the road helping clinics and building relationships to keep you informed. Love ya! xxLizz |