Taxpayer, do you remember Delilah?
Perhaps you know her as cat #87 — the government I.D. tattooed inside each of her ears.
Every day, I tear up when I look at those ears. You see, I adopted Delilah from an animal lab — trust me, she hasn’t had an easy life.
Delilah was literally born in U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's notorious Kitten Slaughterhouse.
Her job? To breed more "lab specimens" for USDA’s cannibalism experiments:

You see, USDA bureaucrats went on a taxpayer-funded shopping spree in China.
The government purchased cats and dogs from China’s notorious “wet markets ”— similar to the ones in Wuhan, rumored to be responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.
These puppies and kittens were purchased and slaughtered … and their remains were force-fed to Delilah’s 8-week-old babies.
In fact, Chinese “white coats” even bragged about rounding up 425 puppy hearts in Asia and flying them to the USA … in their own personal luggage!
Finally, bureaucrats rammed a needle into Delilah’s kittens’ tiny beating hearts, slaughtered them too, and burnt them to a crisp in a government incinerator.

Taxpayer, I feel betrayed by my government.
But here’s the problem: Congress is setting animal testing budgets right now.
Greedy taxpayer-funded labs — just like Delilah’s former “home” — are lining up for new handouts.
And Taxpayer, there’s absolutely nothing stopping them from another shopping spree in China’s wet markets… until now.
DEADLINE: follow this link to help us pass Delilah’s Law. Show your support for her historic new bill to make sure it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!

Taxpayer, here’s what you need to know:
- DELILAH’s LAW: will permanently block the U.S. government from wasting another penny at China’s awful, disease-ridden wet markets.
- GAME-CHANGER: if we pass it, you’ll never be forced to pay off China’s dog and cat meat butchers again!
- EXTREMELY URGENT: USDA is lying to the media… it’s denying the spending spree at Wuhan-style wet markets!
Taxpayer, we have a golden opportunity — but EXTREMELY SHORT DEADLINE — to pass Delilah’s Law. Please rush an emergency gift on Giving Tuesday and it will be DOUBLED!
Giving Tuesday Now: A big-hearted supporter will match every dollar you send before 11:59 pm tonight to help us raise $20,000! Will you chip in?
Taxpayer, Delilah hasn’t had an easy life.
I’m working hard to provide a loving home for her now.
That's why I'm rushing a special Giving Tuesday gift in her honor... and you should too.
Will you join me, Taxpayer?
Kellie Heckman,
Delilah’s Mom
P.S. Taxpayer, if you never had to pay another dime in taxes for China’s worst wet markets — wouldn’t it be worth it? Today is Giving Tuesday. Please rush your most generous gift before midnight TONIGHT to make it happen… and it will be doubled.