One teacher can reach hundreds of LGBTQ students


The challenges faced today by students, educators, and families adjusting to school closings and social distancing are immense. This is especially true for the 8 million LGBTQ students who are at risk of falling prey to cyber-bullying—and for whom home may be an isolating environment.

John, will you help GLSEN provide the resources to teachers who are working to establish the safe and affirming digital spaces that all youth deserve? Your gift will have a true impact: one teacher can reach hundreds of students.

Supportive educators can transform students’ lives. Just one visibly supportive educator in a community—virtual or otherwise—can help LGBTQ students feel safer and more seen. And with so many students across the country experiencing social isolation, teachers are taking on a more expansive role than ever before.

Teachers who continue to serve as advisors in GSAs and LGBTQ supportive groups…teachers who advocate on LGBTQ students behalf to administrations…teachers who address cyber-bullying or on-line harassment…and teachers who are able to respond when students do not feel safe.

Today GLSEN is rallying on behalf of these teachers. And we’re asking our supporters to invest in the countless teachers serving as allies to LGBTQ youth and make a special gift in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day and Giving Tuesday.

Teacher Appreciation Day is a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make in countless students’ lives. Giving Tuesday Now is a campaign launched in response to the unprecedented need brought about by the COVID-19 crisis.

Our LGBTQ community and our allies have prevailed in challenging times before. At a moment like this, connection to community is crucial for our collective resilience—for countless LGBTQ youth who are feeling more alone than ever, teachers serve as an essential lifeline.

John, please help teachers who are supporting and shaping the next generation.

Thank you for all you do,

PS: John,, will you help us send some well-deserved praise and love to the educators who are making a real difference in the lives of LGBTQ students? Add your name to our card thanking fearless educators for their work to create safe, inclusive spaces for all students.
GLSEN Inc. | 110 William Street | 30th Floor | New York, NY 10038 | 212-727-0135 | [email protected]
