It was almost 40 years ago that I founded People For the American Way and, ever since, PFAW has been defending our constitutional rights and working to build a country that makes the “blessings of liberty” available to everyone. ving America from Trump and Trumpism is the most important thing you can do this Giving Tuesday. Our democracy and the American Way are on the line. But if PFAW members stand together, this is a fight we can win -- and win it we must.

Today is Giving Tuesday NOW! Please read Norman Lear's special message to you:
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PFAW Member,
It was almost 40 years ago that I founded People For the American Way and, ever since, PFAW has been defending our constitutional rights and working to build a country that makes the “blessings of liberty” available to everyone.
The mission is not complicated: We fight to ensure that “We, the people” means ALL the people … and that the core constitutional values and principles on which the American Way is built – democracy, equality, justice – are honored and protected.
But the Far Right – radicalized, energized, and organized under the banner of Trump – is trying to twist, distort, and corrupt the American Way as much as at any time in PFAW’s decades-long history.
It makes me mad but, more than anything, it inspires me to FIGHT. I may be 97 (What?!!) but I’m not done fighting and, as a fellow PFAW supporter, I know you’re not done either.
That’s why I hope you’ll do the most important thing you can do this Giving Tuesday and give to save our country – and the American Way – from Trump and Trumpism. And that means giving to support the vital work of People For the American Way.
Your Giving Tuesday donation today will be 4X-MATCHED, quadrupling the impact of your support!
Please join me today in supporting PFAW with a 400%-MATCHED donation to be part of the fight to restore our country’s commitment to the values that truly make America great, and to protect the fundamental rights that now more than ever need defending>>
Thank you so much for being part of this.
Norman Lear

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This email was sent to [email protected]. Reaching you over email is the best way we have to let you know about the ways you can take action to fight the Right Wing and defend our constitutional rights and values. If you have any thoughts, comments, or criticisms, or if there's a better email address at which to reach you, please let us know. If you'd like to unsubscribe from our list, you can do that here. But know that if you leave, it will be harder for you to stay involved with People For the American Way and continue our crucial work. PFAW is able to win policy battles and elections, and counter the Right's extremism and hate, because of dedicated activists like you, and we're always eager to hear your thoughts. Thanks for your support.