Dear John,
If this were a normal Tuesday in May, kids would be lining up for lunch at school right about now. For some, school is the only place they can go to get meals on any given day.
But it's not a normal Tuesday.
Instead, schools are closed, and classrooms across the country are empty. But kids' bellies don't need to be.
You can help feed kids who need it most this #GivingTuesdayNow! Please make your gift before midnight tonight and our friends at Kellogg’s will match your gift, dollar for dollar, up to $200,000!
It takes grit, creativity and compassion to improvise solutions that get food to the kids in times of crisis and beyond. And it takes money.
In Hitchcock, Texas, schools are using a No Kid Hungry emergency grant to create a food delivery system utilizing school bus routes. Instead of picking up kids and delivering them to school, the buses are going stop by stop to deliver food to the kids!
Douglas Hoffman oversees dining services for Hitchcock schools. He told us “everyone needs to see the amazing impact a simple sack lunch has on a hungry child. It brings a smile, and it brings hope.”
But John, with no end in sight to this emergency, kids desperately need all the help they can get. I'm hoping you'll provide that help today while your gift will be matched.
Anything you can give will make a difference. Here's how Doug puts it:
“One meal. One smile. One moment of hope. Multiply that by a thousand, and you have a plan. Multiply that by a hundred thousand, and you have a program. Multiply that by a million, and you have a solution.”
Thank you for your generous help in this difficult time.

Amy Zganjar Team No Kid Hungry
P.S. Hurry! This matching gift opportunity ends at midnight. Please don't miss this chance to make twice the difference for hungry kids now and in the months to come.