When your mind is swirling with what-ifs, it’s hard to know what questions to start with, let alone what actions to take. Scenario budget planning can be your friend here.
Earn your Nonprofit Master’s Degree from Drexel University Drexel’s new online Master’s in Nonprofit Management: Public, Professional & Social Sectors will equip you with the foundational business knowledge to take your nonprofit to the next level.
It is no secret that the pandemic has interrupted fundraising for many nonprofits. But different nonprofits have responded to the crisis in distinct ways.
Be part of framing the recovery conversation; write for NPQ! Our volunteer writers are a voice for our sector in critical times, sharing news and insights about organizations, movements, and policy. As we work to rebuild our systems in a way that works for all citizens, NPQ will be listening, analyzing, and advocating for a just recovery. Be part of that work by writing for our page.