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A New Pathway

I will remain forever grateful for the honor of running for office in the State of Colorado with the help of so many wonderful volunteers and supporters. I have decided not to appeal the decision by Judge Baumann, as I think that his ruling was a thoughtful one. 

I will now return to my work before entering the political fray, and continue to address the challenges ahead: the climate emergency, systemic social injustice, and the crisis of public and mental health in our country. I will also spend some much needed time with my family, looking after our bees and animals, gardening, sewing masks, and finding ways to help all of us stay resilient in this demanding time.

I would also like to announce that I will now be whole-heartedly and enthusiastically endorsing and supporting Andrew Romanoff in his bid to win the Democratic Primary and defeat Cory Gardner in the November 2020 election.

I have campaigned alongside more than 20 candidates in the last year, and in this experience, one sees and learns a lot about others. Much is revealed about each one of us as human beings and as potential public servants.

I trust Andrew, and I trust that once he is in the Senate, Andrew will make excellent decisions that will benefit all Americans. Andrew has been a strong candidate, but he will be an even better Senator. I believe that Andrew has learned from his actions, and even his errors. Andrew understands the enormity of the climate crisis, and he will fight for Medicare for All. He knows what it will take to be a champion for others, and I believe he aspires to be one himself.

To this end, I am doing all I can to help bring the progressive environmental majority onboard in support of Andrew Romanoff.  I have recently connected with Bill McKibben, Wenonah Hauter, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and many others who are looking to support candidates who will address the existential issue of our time.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone on the other side, after we have defeated this pandemic, and learned to live with ourselves and others again, hopefully for the better.

My deepest thanks go out to all the amazing people who worked, volunteered, supported and inspired my campaign - I appreciate you all and am forever grateful for the ways our lives have connected.

In gratitude,


After a year-long campaign, we still have considerable campaign expenses, so would be extremely grateful for your support, just one more time! CLICK HERE
Diana's Website
Diana Bray For Colorado

PO Box 22, Englewood, CO 80151
Colorado 80151 United States

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