Fellow American,
Democrats and their allies falsely blame Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress for every problem that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris created, but I refuse to play their game.
Just last week, the House failed to pass a government funding bill that included the much-needed SAVE Act, which would ensure that only American citizens are voting in our elections. Democrats were prepared to shut the government down rather than protect American elections.
Once again, Democrats are putting the needs of special interest groups and non-citizens over the needs of their American constituents.
This could all be prevented in the future if we could guarantee election night victories for the White House, Senate, and House.
That's why I'm coming directly to you, Fellow American.
Can you chip in $20 or more before midnight to ensure Republicans win across the country and get our country back on track?
My final End-of-Quarter Deadline is on September 30th. The FEC mandates that we publicize our quarterly fundraising numbers. If we post weak numbers, the Democrats will see and use all their election resources to take away our House Majority.
If we can hit this deadline, I am confident that we will soon have majorities in the House and Senate, along with President Trump in the White House, working together to cut spending and deliver results for the American people.
Will you chip in before midnight?
God Bless,
Rep. Kevin Hern