Seattle Democratic Socialists of America

The COVID-19 crisis has laid bare the crisis of capitalism, and showed us how important it is to fight for a democratic socialist future. Seattle DSA is organizing to defend working-class and oppressed people during this crisis, and to fight for a recovery based on the needs of the many, not the few. To see what we’re calling for, please read our SDSA statement on the COVID-19 crisis:

Fighting the Crisis Unleashed by COVID-19

Then, share it! Can you post it on social media? Can you share it with a few friends, and invite them to our General Membership Meeting tonight:  

We Can’t Go Back to “Normal”: Rebuilding Society with a Green New Deal

TONIGHT: Tuesday, May 5th

7PM - 9PM

Join our virtual General Membership meeting TONIGHT to discuss what it means to push for a Green New Deal during COVID-19, strategize on how we expand our wins during this time, and learn how to get active in our Green New Homes campaign! This meeting is open to everyone, DSA members and DSA-curious alike!

As politicians and corporations plan to re-open businesses, they claim that we can “get back to normal.” We cannot go back: “normal” is a deadly and exploitative capitalist system. So what can we fight for to preserve and expand our wins during this time, like fare-free transit and renter and worker protections? What is a socialist vision of how to transform society out of this crisis toward a sustainable and just future?

We’ll hear from climate change activists and organizers about our current political moment, the contradictions of capitalism that it reveals, and what it will take to transform society in this moment, from policy change to public ownership of major corporations. We’ll share opportunities to get involved in the fight for COVID-19 relief, Green New Homes, and a Green New Deal to rebuild society.

The meeting will take place via Zoom. If you’re a DSA member you can find the link on Slack. If not, please register HERE to access the link!

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