From ADL Washington, D.C. <[email protected]>
Subject Shine a Light in the Darkness!
Date May 5, 2020 2:49 PM
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May 2020

Be a Force for Good Today!

Fight Hate for Good


Today, we can shine a light in the darkness.

The past few months have been so full of fear, loss and uncertainty. Even before the pandemic hit, hate and division were on the rise. We have always seen hate take advantage of a crisis.

We don't have to let it happen. We can say NO to hate. Will you stand up and be a force for good today on #GivingTuesdayNow? On this global day of unity and generosity, will you
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Fight Hate For Good with ADL?

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ADL survey at the beginning of the year revealed that 63% of American Jews feel less safe today than they did a decade ago. And now extremists are scapegoating Jews, and Israel, for supposedly profiting from or even spreading COVID-19.

Not only that, but at a time when tensions are already heightened by the illness and fear all around us, racists and xenophobes are fanning the flames of prejudice against Asian and immigrant communities.

ADL has led the fight against "Zoombombing" where virtual meetings have been disrupted and hijacked with graphic or threatening messages of hate against many of our minority communities.

We cannot allow hate to gain ground. Now is the time to come together to stay safe during this pandemic and to heal as individuals, as communities and as a nation once it is over. Now more than ever, we need you to actively Fight Hate for Good.

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Your #GivingTuesdayNow gift to ADL will help us expose hate wherever it hides, nationally, online and in our local communities. You'll help us cut it off at its roots - before this hate can spread.

Join ADL today. Be a force for good during this challenging time. Together, we will make sure hate does not benefit from this crisis!

Fighting Hate Every Day,
ADL, Washington D.C. Region

P.S. #GivingTuesdayNow is a global movement to meet the uncertainty so many of us are feeling right now with unity and generosity. Join together with ADL today and
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Fight Hate for Good.

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