Dear John,
Every day new challenges unfold around us as a result of COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of Americans are unable to pay rent or pay food on the table.
The crisis brings to light many of the issues that Jobs With Justice and our partners have been advocating for decades: fair pay for frontline workers, proper health protections, and the right to join together in a union that guarantees protections before the crisis occurs.
In the wake of the global pandemic, #GivingTuesdayNow was created as a day of giving that unites people everywhere in a time of unprecedented crisis. On this global day of giving, we are asking you to show your long-term commitment to working people everywhere by making a monthly donation to Jobs With Justice. TODAY ONLY, we can unlock a $5,000 gift, but only if we can reach 50 new Solidarity Sustainers by the end of #GivingTuesdayNow.
**SIGN UP TODAY and your first monthly donation will go towards our Worker Solidarity Fund, a new fund that's providing urgent financial relief to undocumented families and others who need our help.**
Since the outbreak, Jobs With Justice and our Network have jumped into action by:
- Organizing Rent Strikes and demanding rent and mortgage cancellation for millions of Americans who are unable to pay and don’t want to emerge from this crisis under a mountain of debt. Hundreds of thousands of people pledged to join the rent strike, while some of the bigger landlords in the country responded to our demands.
- Pressuring federal and local legislators around paid sick leave, protection for essential workers, and accountability around corporate bailouts.
- Launching the Worker Solidarity Fund to distribute urgent cash relief to people in need, including undocumented families and others excluded from federal relief efforts.
- Organizing working people in innovative ways that gives us the power we need to emerge from this crisis stronger than when it started.
And as the crisis continues, we will strategize and launch campaigns that fundamentally shift our economy in ways that put working people and our community first – not the interests of billionaires and politicians.
BECOME A SOLIDARITY SUSTAINER TODAY to help us put working people over profits once and for all. But please – do it before #GivingTuesdayNow is over and your first monthly donation will go towards our Worker Solidarity Fund.
John, when working people win, we all win - and your monthly gift today is the best way to get us there. The movement for working people is counting on your support! Thank you for your solidarity and generosity.
Your contribution will join you with other JWJ Solidarity Sustainers who – in this moment of crisis and beyond – know that we must always value people over profits!
In solidarity and resistance,
Executive Director
Jobs With Justice