Your Donation Allows PJI To Stand in
the Gap To Protect Pastors and
Dear Friends,
Over the past two months, Pacific Justice Institute has taken unprecedented action to challenge the greatest oppression of religious freedom ever in United States history. Well after the pandemic reached its peak, churches in many states are still being told to shut down. Some states are even forcing churches to stay closed for months, not weeks. In fact, we at PJI are representing several pastors who were prevented by their counties from visiting their sick and dying parishioners!
On a broader scale, we are here to protect and fight for your religious freedom free of charge. We also provide valuable resources to equip pastors and churches in various ways, including how to legally start church/homeschool co-ops, safely re-open churches, receive governmental aid from the CARES Act and avoid organizational mission drift. Currently, PJI hosts weekly Zoom conference calls that draw over 600+ participants and give timely information regarding religious freedom issues during the COVID-19 pandemic for all 50 states. The feedback we have received from these calls has been incredibly positive! Here are a few testimonials:
"Thanks for your information - we appreciate your viewpoints and that you share our concerns. Grace and peace to you." - Paul
"Thank you for doing this Zoom call, PJI. Your collective wisdom has been very helpful!" - Brian
Your tax deductible donation allows us to research and provide the latest news to pastors throughout the country and most importantly, PROTECTS your religious freedoms in this time of ongoing governmental overreach. TODAY, your donation can dramatically help churches reopen safely and legally. Will you consider a special, Giving Tuesday Now donation to help PJI continue to minister to pastors and churches during their very unique time of need?"

Thank you again for your tremendous support as we focus our lives on His kingdom.
Running the race,
Brad Dacus