ALL gifts before OUR FINAL END-OF-QUARTER DEADLINE multiplied 3X up to $350,000 to defeat GOP extremism and WIN CRUCIAL GUBERNATORIAL RACES ACROSS THE COUNTRY!
Team, North Carolina is one of the Democratic Party's BIGGEST opportunities this year, and here's why:
But to win in swing states like North Carolina and expand our Blue Firewall, we need Democrats from all over the country rallying together behind our candidates up and down the ballot – and with less than 40 days to Election Day, it's go time.
Our FINAL end-of-quarter deadline before Election Day is just three days away, and we can't afford to fall short of our goal. Generous donors have agreed to TRIPLE MATCH every donation up to our $350,000 goal, so we're asking one more time: Will you chip in whatever you can now and TRIPLE your impact before it's too late?
Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:
We’re relying on grassroots supporters to provide us with the urgent resources we need to win nationwide. To be one of the first people to receive critical updates about toss-up elections in battlegrounds and red-to-blue races, just text DEMGOVS to 30201 – or click here if you’re on your cell phone – to join our team!