Quincy Institute and the European Council on Foreign Relations 
Rethinking U.S. and European policy towards Syria

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and the European Council on Foreign Relations are pleased to invite you to a public Zoom discussion assessing U.S. and European policy towards Syria, tomorrow, Wednesday, May 6, 9.30 ET/15.30 CET.

With Bashar al-Assad’s immediate survival seemingly assured, is it time for a broader re-assessment of Western policy towards Syria? After nine years of devastating conflict, what can still be achieved in the country and how can the U.S. and European countries now best advance their interests, while also addressing the needs of the long-suffering Syrian people? Can a transition agenda still be pursued, should Syria be viewed as a theatre to confront Russia and Iran, and to what extent are U.S. and European policy likely to remain aligned? What might a viable new approach now look like?

The conversation will be moderated by John Hudson of the Washington Post with introductory remarks from Quincy Institute's Executive Vice President Trita Parsi.

Event Details:  Wednesday, May 6, 2020 | 9:30 AM ET

See the Qi website for more information. Register for the panel here


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