Dear John,
It’s GivingTuesdayNow, a global day to stand with the causes you care about most. Your support has brought Ceres’ mission to life. It’s that simple.
As the Board Chair here at Ceres, I wanted to get in touch on this special Giving Tuesday in May to say thank you and see how you’re doing. Please know that you’re in our thoughts, John.
We understand that balancing all the current demands on your time is overwhelming: these real and pressing concerns weigh on us all. I’m writing to you from my home, coping with these same stressors.
What keeps me going? Well, John, the thing that keeps ALL of us at Ceres going is your support. Climate is a cause that we care deeply about. I’m proud to be part of the Ceres mission to create a just and more sustainable world. I have the privilege to watch as the Ceres staff—my colleagues—wake each morning with hope and determination to build a better tomorrow. |
Climate change impacts us all. It has become a pressing issue affecting health, economics, social justice, and equity. Climate MUST remain a top priority.
So now we want to ask: What do you want your world and economy to look like after this current pandemic?
Gas prices around the world are plummeting, global summits on climate action are being cancelled, and rules for polluters have been relaxed by the E.P.A. And John, there has never been a more important moment to think about our climate.
These tough times call for decisive leadership. We at Ceres will do our part to stand up and take action in this moment of uncertainty. And we want to hear from you.
Tell us now: What do you want our planet and economy to look like in a post COVID-19 world?
We will join you in your vision. You can truly make an impact.
Together, we will ensure that everyone, all across the world enjoys a just and more sustainable world. |
With humble appreciation,
Barney Schauble
Board Chair
Ceres |
P.S. Help us lead the way in transforming our financial systems, keeping climate top of mind. Your gift to Ceres is what makes the difference between rebuilding the economy and building it back better.
On this GivingTuesdayNow, tell the world what you stand for. Support a future in which our global systems are equitable and sustainable. Give now >> |