Needed Now: A New Revolution Day!
Larry Klayman wants to rejuvenate what was created on July 4, 1776
By Larry Klayman
July 5, 2019
President Donald J. Trump's July 4, 2019, celebration in our nation's capital was predictably met with scorn and hatred by the forces of the left, comprised of the likes of the current crop of socialist Democratic presidential candidates, Muslim congresswomen like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, radical feminists and so-called pro-choice advocates, radical LGBTQ activists, radical blacks, estranged whites, the radical Jewish left and of course atheists of all persuasions and colors.
To top it all off, the country also witnessed the burning of the American flag right outside the "pearly" White House gates, a disgraceful display by mostly communists who are better suited to carry on in the streets of Beijing or Moscow, much less Havana or Caracas!
All the while our 45th president held his head high, forsaking partisanship but instead extolling the virtues of our Founding Fathers and the great land they had bequeathed to all of us. Adorning the event in tribute to our fallen heroes was our military, without which our country would have ceased to exist long ago.
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