Transit riders are essential. They need PPE to keep safe during Covid-19.

This GIVING TUESDAY: Over 25,000 people are still riding Port Authority transit every day. These are the people who keep our hospitals, grocery stores, and pharmacies open. We rely on them to keep our families safe and fed. Let's keep transit riders safe by getting them the PPE they need.

You can keep transit riders safe and our system strong by donating to PPT's Mask Fund today.
PA's Transit Funding is in Jeopardy, which means transit service is at risk. Add your organization's name to this letter in support of dedicated, long-term transit funding today.

The PA Turnpike Commission is moving to abandon its payments to public transit that it is required by law to make. The results would be catastrophic to our families, cities, and entire state economy.

A joint letter has been drafted by Pittsburghers for Public Transit and the Philly Transit Riders Union (TRU) to call on Governor Wolf and PA legislators to prevent this reckless move without a progressive alternative funding sources in place. Review the letter, and add your organization's name today.

100+ Transit Riders & Workers From Across PA Join First-Ever Statewide Organizing Call

Sign-up to follow this campaign

Two weeks ago, transit riders and workers from Philly, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh got together to strategize on how to move our state past Covid-19 and lay the groundwork for winning dedicated statewide public transit funding.
News Roundup: Transit Workers and Riders. Our Lives at Stake. Virtual Press Conference.

On April 16th, PPT held a press conference with ATU Local 85, Rep Jake Wheatley, TransitCenter and local transit riders calling for state and federal support for hazard pay to transit workers, and for increased transit frequency on overcrowded lines. Check out the coverage below:
New Report: Public transit vastly outperforms proposed shuttles in cost, speed, and connections.

“Even during this pandemic, I am still taking the bus everyday; to work in Oakland, to buy groceries in Squirrel Hill or Homestead, and to get my son to doctor’s appointments at Children’s Hospital. Because we don’t have weekend service on the 93, I have to take two buses and choose between arriving at work an hour early or late. Having the 75 to take us directly to Southside grocery stores and Oakland would be a huge benefit for me and my neighbors.” - Deanna Turner, Hazelwood Resident & Public Transit Rider
Downtown Pittsburgh can prioritize public transit, walking and biking. Make this a reality and take the PDP's Mobility Survey Today.
PPT General Meeting // Wed May 13// RSVP today via Zoom for the meeting info

Our May General Meeting will be held via Zoom, so attendees can join via computer or phone. RSVP below to get the meeting link and call-in number. On the agenda!
- State-wide Transit Funding
- Covid-19 Transit Stimulus Demands
- Transit Rider Mask Fund + Distribution
- Community Announcements

  • Organizational Sign-on Deadline: Support Solutions to PA Transit Funding Crisis // Thurs, May 7th // Sign-on here