These next 40 days before Election Day are pivotal to ensure our alums have the support they need to get through the finish line.
A recent New York Times article stated that the last 8 years made young women more liberal due to the MAGA agenda that overturned Roe v. Wade, restricted access to basic reproductive care, blocked gun safety legislation, and denied the reality of climate change.
Voters are already casting their ballots across the country, but there is still time to invest in Emerge’s proven model for success in November. An investment today will help us complete the work we have been doing since Emerge’s inception—continuing to uplift the New American Majority, which includes Black, Brown, and Indigenous women, and women of color, as well as young, LGBTQ+, and unmarried women. We are building the pipeline so that VP Harris, although the first, will not be the last to break a glass ceiling.
Here are just some of the ways we’re gearing up:
- Continuing Education trainings: Monthly and biweekly Continuing Education training on topics ranging from fundraising, to cybersecurity and campaign safety, to messaging and GOTV preparation.
- Alum elevation: Pitching alum stories and promotion of key candidates to the media, strategic social media campaigns of alums on the ballot, and host events to uplift candidates’ stories to voters and the community-at-large.
But the truth is none of this would be possible without your generous grassroots support. We have 500 alums on the ballot. In order for us to grow the Emerge Congressional Caucus, flip state legislatures from red to blue, and chip away at Republican strongholds – we need you on our side.
I know you want to ensure the Harris-Walz campaign is successful. But they can’t win alone. Investing in Emerge right now means they will have a strong team of down-ballot candidates ready to win on Nov. 5 so that they can enact their agenda at every level of government.
That’s why I’m asking – will you make a contribution to Emerge today to show your support for Emerge alums running for office at every level of government?
Thank you for your time and investment,
A’shanti F. Gholar
President, Emerge
