Dear John,
Where evergreen meets ocean blue, you’ll find a California original: the redwood forests of the Sonoma Coast. This rugged wilderness is one of the treasured few of its kind — an area rich in history, biodiversity, and unmatched beauty.
Sonoma Coast Redwoods is home to some of the oldest second-growth redwoods in the range, standing guard for hundreds of years, side-by-side with new-growth trees, young saplings and old-growth mother trees. This is a forest set to thrive in the decades to come — if we can protect it.
Save the Redwoods League is seeking to acquire and protect more than 1,600 acres along the California coast — but we need YOUR help. Will you pitch in and help conserve Sonoma Coast Redwoods for generations to come?
Sonoma Coast Redwoods is of the highest conservation priority because of its incredible carbon-storage potential. Reconnecting these lands to the larger redwood corridor would secure the region’s redwood footprint — and protect the Sonoma Coast Redwoods property from harmful development.
There are those who would love to build homes and private estates here. But we cannot let that happen. Please, join us in protecting this important stretch of land!
What’s at Stake & Why Your Support Matters Now:
Conservation: Some redwoods are up to 1,000 years old, while others are just saplings. This age diversity is a sign of a healthy, resilient forest. |
Climate: This 1,624-acre property includes 836 acres of redwood forest, providing crucial carbon sequestration, creating clean air, and boosting wildfire resilience for the entire region. |
Culture: As the ancestral territory of the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians, the Sonoma Coast Redwoods has a rich cultural history. |
Community: These forests provide a buffer to nearby state parks, connecting and expanding public and recreational access along the Sonoma Coast for the nearly 2 million people who live within 50 miles of the property. |
Protecting the Sonoma Coast Redwoods would secure our past, enrich the present, and safeguard our future with critical climate benefits. Redwood forests are vital to local wildlife and enjoyed and treasured by forest lovers like you and me. Let’s ensure Sonoma Coast Redwoods is safe for future generations to enjoy!
Make a gift today to help protect this iconic redwood forest. Thank you for putting your passion for our forests into action.
Jeff Stump |
P.S. Sonoma Coast Redwoods is truly breathtaking — but it is also breath giving, providing clean air that benefits the millions who live and work here. Future generations should be able to benefit from this protected land!