Please Click Here to Submit Your
Storm Heaven Intentions Today!

Dear Friend,
This coming Tuesday,
October 1, Cardinal Burke
will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for Operation Storm
His Eminence will offer the Holy
Mass for the intentions of the Operation Storm Heaven Rosary Warriors,
as well as all of your personal intentions that you submit – as many
as you have, even those deep within your heart.
The Month of October is dedicated
to the Holy Rosary, which all of us need to pray daily.
Take to heart what our shepherd,
Cardinal Burke has said:
“In truth, the Rosary is a most
concrete and efficacious daily reminder of the way of eternal
salvation, which is only found in God the Son Incarnate in the womb of
the Virgin Mary.”
Over the years, Cardinal Burke has
strongly stressed:
“The family is under constant
attack today and needs the help which comes from praying the Rosary.
In our time, when an ever-greater confusion and error regarding the
Church’s teachings on marriage and its incomparable fruit, spreads
throughout the entire Body of Christ, procuring grave harm to souls
and undermining totally the mission of a new evangelization, let us
turn especially to Our Lady, asking her intercession by praying the
Holy Rosary.”
His Eminence then guides us on the
true path to Our Lady:
Let us now, one with the Immaculate
Heart of Mary, Mother of Christ and Mother of the Church, lift up our
hearts to the Royal Eucharistic Heart of Christ the High Priest. Let
us place in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus all of our prayers for the
reparation for sins and for the peace of souls. Let us then extend,
throughout the day, our union of Heart with the Divine Heart by
praying the Holy Rosary by which we contemplate the face of Christ
and, thereby, discover the deepest truth about ourselves and our
Our website has an extensive guide
to praying the Holy Rosary, which you will find most efficacious.
Once again as a Rosary Warrior, I
would like to invite you to present your new or updated intentions and
prayer requests for Operation Storm Heaven before the 1st of October.
I would like to take advantage of
this opportunity to thank you for being part of Cardinal Burke's
Rosary Crusade Operation Storm
Heaven and for continuing your prayers for many
graces to bestowed upon His Eminence.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
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